SIND, FOR THE YEAR 1929-30


Mr. J. H. G. Jerrom, I.V.S., held charge of the office of
Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Sind and Rajputana,
during the year under report. He inspected all the Veterinary
Dispensaries and also inspected the District Local Board stallions
and when possible, attended outbreaks of contagious diseases.
He attended and judged at the Nawabshah Horse and Pony Show
which was held twice during the year, in April 1929 and March
1930. He was on tour in Sind for 60 days and travelled 3,438
miles by rail and 409 miles by road as against 71 days and 2,359
miles by rail and 499 miles by road. In addition he remained seven
days on tour in Rajputana and travelled 1,065 miles by rail and
61 miles by road as against six days and 1,065 miles by rail and
33 miles by road last year.


2.    There were five scholars studying at the Bombay Veterinary
College at the beginning of the year. One passed out and was
appointed to the Department, one more scholar was sent to the
College. There were thus five scholars studying at the College at
the end of the year.

                II—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.

3.    Table. I.—During the year under report, outbreaks of
contagious disease were reported from every district of the province.
The total mortality reported was 9,211 against 6,824 in the
previous year.

                    (i) Equine Contagious Disease.

4.    Glanders.—Only one case of Glanders was reported and
destroyed under the Glanders and Farcy Act in the town of Karachi,
The disease was not reported last year.

5.    Surra.—Five cases of Surra were reported and destroyed
under the Glanders and Farcy Act in the districts of Karachi,
Hyderabad (Sind), Thar Parkar and Upper Sind Frontier.

6. Other contagious diseases.—Strangles was reported from
Hyderabad (Sind), Nawabshah, Upper Sind Frontier and Larkana
districts. Eleven animals were attacked and recovered. One case
of Rabies was reported from Karachi district and the animal was
destroyed. Ten cases of Piroplasmosis in the Karachi district with
one death and one case of Filariasis in the Karachi district and one
case in Thar Parkar district were reported and both the animals
died. Eight cases of Influenza were reported from the Larkana
district and all recovered.

Q 21—6