on tour and travelled 3,238 miles by rail and 537 miles by road.
The Veterinary Inspectors, in addition to the quarterly inspection
of dispensaries, did good work in the districts both in attending
outbreaks of disease and in checking the work of the Veterinary
Assistant Surgeons. The work of Veterinary Inspector Ansari,
Upper Sind Circle, in dealing with widespread outbreaks of
rinderpest in the Larkana district was commendable. Veterinary
Inspector Haji of the Lower Sind Circle did some excellent work
investigating a disease called "Phet". On the whole the
Veterinary Assistant Surgeons worked well during the year under
report. The clerical staff carried out their duties satisfactorily and
the onus of the work had fallen heavily on Mr. Keshavdass the
Head Clerk and Mr. Mankodi the Second Clerk.


29.    The expenditure of the department was Rs. 1,26,070 as
against Rs. 1,41,133 in the previous year.

                    VI—GENERAL REMARKS.

30.    The reporting of contagious disease still leaves great room
for improvement. Outbreaks are often reported very late with
the result that it becomes more difficult and expensive to control
the disease. Although individual cases of negligence on the part
of Tapedars are reported and dealt with, the Tapedars have not
yet realized the importance and responsibility of this part of their

31.    Owing to financial stringency the work in connection with
touring by Veterinary Assistant Surgeons for the purpose of
castration and treatment of ordinary diseases had to be curtailed,
considerably. As there are very few Veterinary Dispensaries, the
touring in the interior villages by Veterinary Assistant Surgeons
gave an opportunity to the people to avail themselves of veterinary
help for their animals previously, but curtailment of such touring
has been a setback to this useful propaganda work.

32.    Since the opening of the Port of Karachi in March 1928,
two horses were landed at Karachi during 1928-29 and twenty-four
horses in 1929-30.

33.    At the request of the Agricultural Adviser to the Govern-
ment of India, the following programme of work for the next year
is included in the annual report.

The energies of the department will, as usual, be directed
towards the application of modern scientific methods of treatment
of disease, both curative and prophylactic.

                                                     J. D. BUXY,
                                      Officiating Superintendent,
                                        Civil Veterinary Department,
                                                         Sind and Rajputana.