35.  Sheep Pox.—One thousand three hundred and eighty-nine
attacks are recorded with 536 deaths in Ahmedabad, Surat, Poona,
Satara, Sholapur, Belgaum and Dharwar districts.

36.  Goat Pox.—Eighty-three goats are reported to have died
from among 428 affected by this disease in Ahmedabad, Ahmed-
nagar, Sholapur, Belgaum, Bijapur and Dharwar districts.

37.  Foot and mouth disease.—In sheep and goats was reported
from West Khandesh, Nasik, Poona and Belgaum districts. One
hundred and thirty-seven sheep and 685 goats were attacked and
30 sheep and 30 goats died.

38.  Sheep Scab.—Twelve sheep were affected in Bijapur district
and 3 died.

39.  Goat Scab.—Ninety-five goats were attacked in Surat
district. There were no deaths.

40.  Other diseases.—Two hundred and eighty-one sheep and
382 goats are reported to have died in Ahmedabad, Thana, Ahmed-
nagar, Sholapur, Broach, East Khandesh, West Khandesh, Nasik,
Poona, Bijapur and Dharwar districts.


41.  Rabies.—Sixty-six deaths are reported.


42.  Fowl Cholera.—Two hundred and thirty-six deaths are
reported from Kaira, Surat, Ahmednagar, East and West Khandesh,
Poona, Satara, Bijapur and Kolaba districts.

43.   Ranikhet Disease.—One thousand seven hundred and
thirteen deaths are reported from Kaira, Thana, Ahmednagar,
West Khandesh, Poona, Satara, Sholapur, Belgaum, Bijapur,
Dharwar and Bombay Suburban districts.

44.  Fowl Pox.—Two hundred and twenty-seven deaths are
recorded from Ahmedabad, Broach, Panch Mahals, Ahmednagar,
Poona, Sholapur, Satara, Belgaum, Bijapur and Kanara districts.

45.  Other diseases.—Seven deaths were reported under this

                                      Preventive Measures.

Table II.

46. Rinderpest.—In eight affected villages 493 animals were given
prophlylactic treatment with antirinderpest
serum of which 6 died subsequently from
this disease. In 314 villages 51,291 animals were given goat
adapted virus and of these 128 animals died subsequently while in
27 villages 1,225 animals were treated with serum and virus of
which 2 died.

AP Bk Qa 3—2