Paras. 5 & 9
of C. P.
Sectt. letter
No. 823—
d. 2-12-6

11.  The management of all Veterinary Dispensaries in Class II
lies with the Local Bodies responsible for their upkeep. The pay and
travelling allowance of Veterinary Assistants will be borne by Govern-

12.   The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, will be at
liberty to offer his advice to the Local Body responsible for the manage-
ment of such Dispensary, and in case it is not accepted, he may refer
the matter to the Deputy Commissioner or Director of Agriculture.

13.   Commissioners of Divisions, Deputy Commissioners, Sub-
Divisional Officers, Tahsildars and any members of the Local Body, by
which the institution is maintained, may inspect Dispensaries and record
their remarks in the Visitors' Book.

14.  A copy of their remarks should be sent by the Assistant in charge
of the Dispensary through the Local Body, who will transmit the same
through the District Inspector and Deputy Commissioner, to the Deputy
Superintendent who will send it after perusal to the Superintendent.

15.  In case any disagreement should arise between the Superin-
tendent and the District authorities on any point regarding the working
of a Veterinary Assistant or Dispensary, the matter should be referred by
the Superintendent to the Director of Agriculture.

C. P. Sectt.
letter No.
10-40, d. 18-

16.   The Subordinate Veterinary Establishment will be under the
control of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, subject to the
general supervision of the Director of Agriculture, and the Superintendent
shall keep him informed of, and, if necessary, refer for his orders, any matters
of importance connected with the work of the Department.

17.  The menial establishment of Provincial Dispensaries will be
appointed by the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, who will
have the power of suspending, punishing or dismissing them, subject to
a right of appeal to the Director of Agriculture.

18.  The menial establishment of Veterinary Dispensaries, under the
control of Local Bodies, will be appointed and may be suspended, punished
or dismissed by the Local Bodies concerned; but the approval of
the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, must be obtained to the
appointment of all Compounders. The Superintendent is at liberty to
make any recommendation that he may see fit for the punishment or dis-
missal of menial staff in such establishments to the Local Body, and in
case the latter do not accept it, he should refer the case to the Deputy

19.   The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, may grant
casual leave to District Veterinary Inspectors in accordance with the