attend to ordinary cases in his beat and collect and submit
to the Veterinary Inspector, through the Local Body, information
regarding grazing grounds, water-supply, the different breeds of cattle
and means of improving them and other miscellaneous subjects. He
should at the same time give advice to cattle owners and point out the
importance of maintaining good breeds and endeavouring to improve
others of an inferior kind. He shall never travel without his touring medicine
chest and rinderpest outfit; when necessary he can take his spraying outfit
or the apparatus for the treatment of foot and mouth disease.

112. He shall prepare two statements (1) in Form XXV—3 (unless
employed entirely on peripateticduties) showing the details and class of animals
treated and (2) in Form XXV—6, showing the number of animals treated,
and submit them after the close of each month, through the Veterinary
Assistant in charge at head-quarters, who will forward them, with his own
returns, the former to the Chairman or Secretary of the Local Body managing
the Dispensary for transmission, through the District Inspector, and the
Deputy Superintendent in charge of the Division to the Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department, and the latter to the Superintendent, through
the District Inspector and the Deputy Superintendent in charge of the
Division, a copy being at the same time sent to the Local Body
concerned for information. He should take particular notice when
on tour of the condition of all cattle. If they are poor and weak he
should try to discover the cause and, if possible, the remedy. Special
attention should be given to the cleanliness of animals, e. g., their freedom
or otherwise from animal parasites, such as ticks, lice, etc., and their
possible infestation by internal parasites such as flukes, tape-worm, etc.

113. He shall inspect, whenever possible, cattle at fairs or shows,
markets and pounds, and report to the Veterinary Inspector, through the
Local Body, on their condition, number, etc.

114. He shall endeavour to introduce castration of oxen in lieu of
the prevailing native practice of mulling.

115. He shall, when required to do so, conduct post mortem, examina-
tions on carcases of cattle in accordance with the rules, vide Appendix C.

116. He shall prepare his tour diary (Form No. XXV—7) in triplicate
by means of carbon impressions, and send, on the 3rd of every month, one
copy of the diary to the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department,
through the Veterinary Inspector, and the Deputy Superintendent in charge
of the Division, another to the Local Body, through the Deputy Commis-
sioner with his travelling allowance bill, and retain the third copy.

117. Peripatetic Veterinary Assistants are allowed to engage in
private practice under the conditions given in paragraph 94 above.

118. Each peripatetic Veterinary Assistant or Assistant in charge of
a Dispensary will hold an advance of Rs. 5 or more according to require-
ments, to meet petty contingent expenditure and purchase country medicines
locally. He will be held responsible that vouchers to the extent of the
whole or part of the advance are furnished to the Local Body or Superin-
tendent, Civil Veterinary Department, as the case may be, before a
requisition is submitted for recoupment of the expended amount.