46                  Appendix E.—(Contd.)

Glanders & Farcy.

Veterinary Practitioners.


The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary

The whole of the Central Provinces
and Berar.

Officers of the Army Veterinary
Corps, Jubbulpore.

The Cantonment of Jubbulpore and
its vicinity within a radius of five

Officers of the Army Veterinary
Corps, Saugor.

The Cantonment of Saugor and its
vicinity within a radius of five miles.

All Veterinary Inspectors and Senior
Veterinary Assistants of the Civil
Veterinary Department in the
Central Provinces and Berar.

The area in which each of them is
serving, in respect of diseases
other than Lymphangitis Epizootica
and surra.

                        Nagpur, the 10th November 1914.

No. 490.—In exercise of the power conferred by Section 4 of the
Glanders and Farcy Act, XIII of 1899, and also by the same section
of the said Act as applied to Berar, the Chief Commissioner is pleased
to appoint the following officers ex-officio as Inspectors in respect of the
disease " Equine Surra" for the areas shown against each :—



The Cantonment Magistrates of Kamptee,
Jubbulpore and Saugor.

Their respective Cantonments.

The Tahsildar of Pachmarhi ...

The Cantonment and Municipality of Pach-
marhi, including the Piparia-Pachmarhi
Qàk line.

Officers of the Army Veterinary Corps, Jubbul-

The Cantonment of Jubbulpore and Its vici-
nity within a radius of 5 miles.

Officers of the Army Veterinary Corps, Saugor.

The Cantonment of Saugor and its vicinity
within a radius of 5 miles.

The Deputy Commissioner of each district in
the Central Provinces and Berar.

His district.

The District Superintendent of Police, or, in
his absence, the Assistant District Superin-
tendent of Police, or the Head-quarters

Their respective head-quarter towns and their
vicinity within a radius of 5 miles.

The Superintendents, Civil Veterinary Depart-

The whole of the Central Provinces and Berar

All Veterinary Inspectors and Veterinary Assis-
tants of the Civil Veterinary Department
in the Central Provinces and Berar.

The area in which each of them is serving,
but their jurisdiction will not extend to
Cantonment limits.