49                      Appendix E.—(Contd.)

3.  Any outbreak of such diseases within five miles of the Canton-
ments of Saugor, Kamptee and Jubbulpore should be reported by the Super-
intendent, Civil Veterinary Department, to the Officer Commanding the
Station so that the fact can be published in Regimental Orders for the
guidance of Officers Commanding Mounted Units.

4.  The owner or person in charge of a horse, which he believes or
has reason to believe to be so diseased, shall report the case as soon as
possible to the Inspector or to a Police officer or other officer authorized
to receive such information (who shall at once inform the Inspector) and
may remove such horse to any isolated building within 50 yards of the
stable or to a remote part of the building, enclosure, or other place in
which such horse has been standing and shall keep it as much as is
possible within these limits away from other horses. He shall detain in
the stable, until the granting of a license for removal, any horse which has
been in contact with or near the diseased horse or in the same line or

Except as provided in these rules no person shall cause or permit any
diseased horse to stray or to be worked, led or driven in a public thorough-
fare, road, street or place.

5.   Licenses for the removal of horses which have been with a horse
so diseased may be granted by an Inspector under Section 11 of the Act
on the following conditions, viz :—

      (1) That the horse to be removed shall be taken direct under such
            precautions as the Inspector deems fit to prescribe to such
            place as may be designated by the Inspector, where it can
            be conveniently isolated.
      (2) That while so isolated the horse shall be inspected from time
            to time, at intervals of not more than a week, by the Ins-
            pector, provided he be a Veterinary Assistant of the Civil
            Veterinary Department, or be specially authorized in this
            behalf by Government, or, if he is not so qualified, by the
            Veterinary Practitioner.
      (3) That the horse shall continue at the appointed place in isolation
            for so long as the Inspector, provided he be a Veterinary
            Assistant of the Civil Veterinary Department, or be specially
            authorized in this behalf by Government, or, if he is not
            so qualified, the Veterinary Practitioner deems it necessary
            to keep it under treatment or observation.
      (4) That the horse while so isolated may be subjected to any of the
            following tests :—

                  (a) Mallein.
                  (b) Medicinal.
                  (c) Inoculating the horse with its own discharge.
                  (d) Inoculating another horse with the discharge.
                  (e) In the case of Lymphangitis Epizootica, bacteriological
                        examination of the pus from abscesses and sores, by
                        the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department.
                  (f) In the case of Surra, bacteriological examination of the
                        blood by the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-