Glanders & Farcy.                          50               Appendix E.—(Contd.)

6.  Whenever a horse is detained for test or isolated, the owner or
person in charge thereof shall be required to provide for the animal's food
and care.

Any sum due under the preceding clause shall be recoverable on appli-
cation to a Magistrate as if it were a fine.

7.  The owner or person in charge of any building, enclosure or other
premises which have been occupied by any horse so diseased shall, within
seven days, carry out such disinfection of such buildings, enclosure or
other premises and destruction of dung, litter and waste food, gear and
other articles in or near the premises as may be prescribed by the Ins-
pector, provided he be an officer of the Army Veterinary Corps or a Veteri-
nary Assistant of the Civil Veterinary Department, or be specially authorized
in this behalf by Government, or, if he is not so qualified, by the Veterinary
Practitioner, and such disinfection shall be carried out in the presence
of the Inspector.

In all cases dung, surplus food and litter from the infected stable
also clothing and other gear which has been used by or been in contac
with the diseased horse, shall be consumed or disinfected by fire, and (after
complete removal of all dung, temporary fittings and other articles for
destruction by fire) the stable shall be thoroughly washed with boiling
water, the walls, wood-work and ceiling shall be scraped and lime-washed
with freshly mixed quicklime and water, to which shall be added crude
carbolic acid in the proportion of half a pint to a bucketful of lime-wash,
and the flooring shall be removed to a depth of two feet, the removed
earth being burnt. The whole of the interior shall then be fumigated
with burning sulphur, chlorine, carbolic vapour, or some other gaseous
disinfectant. The earth removed from the flooring shall be replaced by
fresh earth after the lapse of two weeks.

8.  On a certificate from the Veterinary Practitioner that a horse is
so diseased, it shall be destroyed humanely in the presence of the Inspector
and the carcass shall be disposed of by burning under the supervision of
the Police. Except with the sanction of the Police and for the purpose
of burning it, no person shall remove the carcass or any portion of it,
provided always that no horse suspected to be suffering from Lymphangitis
Epizootica or Surra shall be destroyed until the bacteriological test specified
in Rule 5, clause (4), has been applied and the disease ascertained by the
Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department.

9.  In the event of the disinfection of premises and the destruction
of gear, fittings, dung and other articles condemned by the Inspector not
being carried out by the owner within the period of seven days, they shall
be carried out by the Inspector under Police supervision, and the expenses
shall be recovered from the owner of the premises in the manner prescribed
by Section 9 of the said Act.