51              [Appendix E.—(Contd.)

                            Glanders and Farcy Act Rules.


                                                FORM I.

    (Notice to be issued under Rules 1 and 7, vide Section 9 of the Act.)

Paras 1 and
of page 1

Notice is hereby given you that whereas a diseased horse has been in 2
the buildings (shed, enclosed space, open place or open lines) situated in of
and called              of which (building, etc.) you are the
owner (or person in charge) ; you are hereby directed —

        (a) To disinfect the said (building, etc.) by causing—

            (1) the wood-work of the stable to be thoroughly washed with
                boiling water;
                Vide Police
            (2)  the walls, wood-work and ceiling to be scraped and lime"
                washed with freshly mixed quicklime and water with crude
                carbolic acid added thereto in the proportion of half a
                pint of carbolic acid to every bucketful of lime-wash ;
            (3) the flooring to be removed to a depth of two feet and the
                earth removed to be burnt, and the flooring to be kept
                unrenewed for the space of two weeks, and then to be
                replaced by fresh earth ; and
            (4) the whole of the interior of the said (building, etc.) to be
                    amigated with burning sulphur (or chlorine or carbolic

        (b) To destroy by fire—

            (1) all dung, litter and waste food and gear in or near the said
                (building, etc.);
            (2) all surplus food and all clothing and other gear which has been
                used by, or been in contact with, any diseased horse.

                        Note.—Horses include asses and mules.

                                       Inspector under the Glanders and Farcy Act.
Date and place

                                                FORM II.

(License to be issued under Rules 4 and 5, vide Section 11 of the Act.)

I hereby grant to (here enter name) the owner or person in charge of
the undermentioned horses, which have been in the same field, building or
                place, or in contact with a diseased horse, license to remove the same from
to        on the following conditions :—

            (1) That the horse to be removed shall be taken under the follow-
                ing precautions (here enter precautions).
            (2) That while so isolated the horse shall be inspected from time
                to time at intervals of not more than a week by the
                Inspector or by the Veterinary Practitioner.