Amendments to the Central Provinces and Berar Civil Veterinary
                              Department Manual.

          No. 20, dated Nagpur, the 19th October 1926.

                              PAGES 14 AND 15.

For the existing paragraphs 68,69,70 and 71 substitute the
following and renumber paragraphs 72 to 94 in this section
as 71 to 93 :—

                             SECTION VIII.


                                (1) General.

68.  In order to provide for the training of local men for
appointment to the subordinate staff, seven scholarships are annually
granted by the Local Government tenable at the Bombay Veterinary

69.   The following are the conditions regulating the grant of
scholarships at the Bombay Veterinary College:—

     (a) All candidates will be examined by the Veterinary Adviser
               to Government, Central Provinces.

     (b) Approved candidates are granted a scholarship of Rs. 30
               per mensem including house rent for three years with
               free tuition and free books.

     (c) All students entering the Bombay Veterinary College will
               be required to undergo a three years' course with an
               examination at the termination of each year. The
               collegiate year shall commence on 15th June and shall
               be divided as follows :—

The first session


From 15th June to 14th


The short vacation


From 15th October to

14th November.

The second session


From 15th November to

14th April.

The long vacation


From 15th April to

14th June.

     (d)  The college fee, which is Rs. 60 per annum, is paid by
               Government in addition to the scholarship of Rs. 30.

     (e)  Candidates are also allowed the railway fare to and from

     (f) Candidates must ordinarily have passed the School Final
               Examination or have obtained a University degree.

     (g) Preference will be given to those whose parents are
               agriculturists, and who are accustomed to handling

     (h) Candidates are required to produce a medical certificate
               as to their fitness for an out-door life, countersigned
               by the Civil Surgeon of the district to which the
               applicant belongs.