Colonel Maxwell has noted the names of the following Veterinary Assistants
for good work during the year:—

1.  Mr. P. D. Maniar.
2.    „   D. B. Mamtora.
3.    „   D. S. Purohit.
4.    „    S. N. Phatak.
5.     „   P. V. Nagarsheth.
6.     „   A. D. Lopez.
7.     „   V. R. Pitke.
8.   Mr.  S. V. Soman.
9.    „   M. G. Kulkarni.
10.   „   V. N. Kulkarni.
11.  „    H. B. Shirsathe.
12.  „   J. G. Kulkarni.
13.  „   P. B. Cardmaster.
14.   „   M. P. Gandhi.
15. Mr. A. B. Gadagkar.


Expenditure.—Table XIV-a.

32.    The expenditure of the Department is shown in Table XIV-a

from information furnished by the Accountant
General and Commissioners of Divisions.

                              VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

33.     Colonel Maxwell has recorded that "considerable progress has been
made in the year under report, but the Department is still undermanned,
and at the present rate of progress a number of years must pass before the full
cadre sanctioned for the Presidency is complete. The opening of new dispen-
saries practically depends upon the financial positions of the Local Boards and
these unfortunately seldom justify increased expenditure." To ensure continued-
progress the staff must be gradually increased and some measure of decentra-
lisation brought about. An adequate reserve is required more particularly for
dealing with outbreaks of epidemic disease. As suitable candidates are not
forthcoming, however, for appointments now vacant a more rapid increase of
establishment does not seem possible. The creation of more superior appoint-
ments in order to effect some devolution of the work must depend on the
qualifications of the men available as considerable responsibility would have to
be undertaken.

Colonel Maxwell stated that " Mr. Buxy worked hard throughout the year
and to his entire satisfaction. His knowledge of all parts of the Presidency
and of the general requirements of the Department enabled him to give much
assistance and useful advice to the Superintendent."

He wished also to thank his Head Clerk, Mr. V. Y. Sowani, for the satisfactory
manner in which he had carried out his duties, and expressed his entire satis-
faction with the way in which the other members of the office staff had worked
during the year.

                                                       G. K. WALKER, MAJOR,
                                        Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department.