17.    Fluke disease.—Three hundred and thirty-four cattle died of fluke
disease out of 1,240 animals attacked during the year under report.

The Superintendent made enquiries about this disease and found that it is
a common cause of unthriftiness amongst cattle in the Indus Delta and in
years when grazing is scarce it may be the cause of heavy mortality.

18.    Other contagious diseases.—Forty-eight animals died from other
contagious diseases in the Karachi, Hyderabad and Thar and Parkar districts
The diseases reported were rabies, piroplasmosis and cow-pox.

                    Contagious disease in other animals.

19.    Rabies.—Forty-seven deaths from rabies were reported by Veterinary-
Assistants during the year. Of this number 37 cases were reported by the
Veterinary Assistant, Karáchi. In forty instances brains were sent to the
Pasteur Institute, Kasauli, for examination.

20.    Foot and Mouth disease.—Two hundred and ninety sheep and goats
were attacked by the disease, of which 26 died.

21.    Scab.—Two hundred sheep and goats were attacked by the disease in
the Upper Sind Frontier district and 111 animals died.

22.    Surra.—Ten camels were reported to have died from the disease out
of 12 animals attacked.

23.    Anthrax.—Sixteen animals died from anthrax in the Upper Sind
Frontier district.

24.    Parasitic gastritis.—Four thousand and eighteen sheep and goats
were attacked by parasitic gastritis and 1,757 died.

Some experiments were carried out at Karachi for the treatment of parasitic
gastritis, but a sufficient number of infected animals could not be obtained and
the results were inconclusive. It was found that nodular disease of the
intestine exists amongst sheep in Sind but nothing is known regarding the
prevalence of the disease.

25.    Other contagious diseases.—One hundred and fifty animals died
from other contagious diseases during the year under report. The diseases
reported were tuberculosis, distemper, tetanus, pleuro-pneumonia contagiosa,
piroplasmosis, fluke disease and sheep-pox.

See Table III.

26.    Preventive inoculation.—Preventive inoculation against rinderpest
was carried out in eight outbreaks. Five hundred
and sixty-nine animals were inoculated, of which 15
died after inoculation. One hundred and seventy-four uninoculated contact
animals died in the course of the outbreaks. In seventeen outbreaks of
hæmorrhagic septicæmia 2,268 contact animals were inoculated, of which
5 died after inoculation. In the previous year 2,984 animals were inoculated
against hæmorrhagic septicæmia. In one outbreak of anthrax among sheep
in which diagnosis was confirmed by the Superintendent 179 animals were
inoculated with anti-anthrax serum.

As in the previous year several cattle owners came voluntarily forward
to have their healthy cattle protected by inoculation.

                                        Other Disease.

See Table IV.

27. During the year Veterinary Assistants visited 1,652 villages and
treated 7,071 animals for contagious disease, in addi-
tion to inoculations, and 1,479 for non-contagious
diseases and castrated 20 animals. In the previous year Veterinary Assistants
visited 938 villages and treated 1,520 animals for contagious and 1,023 for non-
contagious diseases and castrated 11 animals. The increase in the number of
cases treated on tour this year is due largely to foot and mouth disease being
more prevalent than in the previous year.

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