3. There are no veterinary colleges or schools in Sind. There were six
stipendiary students studying at the Bombay Veterinary College at the
beginning of the year. Two men passed their diploma examination in
December 1917. One more scholar was sent to the Bombay Veterinary College
from Sind. Of the five Sindhi scholarship holders now studying at the
college, three are Musalmans and two are Hindus.

                  II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.

See Table II.

4. During the year outbreaks of contagious
disease were reported from all the districts in the

The number of deaths reported was 5,686 against 3,326 deaths reported in
the previous year. The increase in mortality was chiefly due to the wider
prevalence of parasitic gastritis, rinderpest, hæmorrhagic septicæmia, contagious
pleuro-pneumonia and surra.

                            Equine contagious diseases.

5. Glanders.—Four cases of glanders were detected in Karachi city and
were destroyed under the Glanders and Farcy Act against 2 in the previous

6. Rabies.—Only one case of rabies was reported from the Karachi city
and the animal was destroyed.

7. Tetanus.—-Five deaths were reported among equines in the Karachi
city as against none last year.

8. Strangles.—The disease was reported from the Karachi and Larkana
districts. Thirty-two animals were attacked and one died.

9. Surra.—-Two hundred and fifty-eight cases of surra among equines
were reported from the Karachi, Hyderabad, Nawabshah and Thar and Parkar
districts and all died as against 31 cases and 28 deaths last year.

10. Mange.—One horse was attacked by the disease in the Larkana
district and the animal was cured.

11. Influenza.—The disease broke out in the Thar and Parkar and Upper
Sind Frontier districts and nine animals were attacked and all recovered as
against 59 attacked and 1 died last year.

12. Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—One horse was attacked by and died of
hæmorrhagic septicæmia in the Hyderabad district.

                              Bovine contagious diseases.

13. Rinderpest.—The disease was reported from the Karachi, Hyderabad
and Nawabshah districts. Eight hundred and fifteen cattle were reported to
have died from the disease against 236 died in the previous year. The mortality
in animals attacked was 44.08 per cent.

14. Diarrhæa.—The disease broke out among the cattle of the Karachi
Municipal Sewage Farm. Twenty-four were attacked and 6 died.

15. Piroplasmosis.—Thirty head of cattle were attacked in the Karachi
and Thar and Parkar districts and 3 animals died.

16. Foot-and-mouth disease was reported from all the districts. Seventy-
two animals died out of 4,028 attacked.

17. Liver Fluke.—Seventy animals were attacked and 58 died of distoma
hepaticum in the Nawabshah district.

18. Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—The disease was reported from all the
districts except Thar and Parkar. Nine hundred and forty-three animals
were attacked and 887 died against 429 attacks and 407 deaths in the previous

19. Contagious Keritis.—Forty animals were attacked by this disease in
the Sukkur district and all recovered.