of these outbreaks. During the preceding year 1,610 head of cattle were inocu-
lated against rinderpest.

In 30 outbreaks of hæmorrhagic septicæmia 2,762 contact animals were
inoculated with serum, of which 9 died after inoculation. Four hundred and
twenty-eight uninoculated contact animals died in the course of these outbreaks.
During the year preceding, 1,300 animals were inoculated against hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.

                Work performed by Veterinary Assistants on tour.

See Table IV.

41. During the year Veterinary Assistants visited 1,405 villages and
treated 1,918 animals for contagious and 1,416 for
non-contagious diseases. Eighteen animals were
castrated by the Veterinary Assistants on tour. In the previous year Veterinary
Assistants visited 1,421 villages, treated 2,359 animals for contagious and 1,360
for non-contagious diseases and castrated 12 animals.


42. During the year the subordinate staff from Sind and Baluchistan
submitted a large number of specimens to the Superintendent for examination
from suspected cases of surra, dourine, scab, parasitic gastritis and black

                        Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries.

See Table V.

43. There were fourteen veterinary dispensaries working in the province
at the beginning of the year 1917-18 and no new
dispensary was opened during the year.

The total number of patients treated at dispensaries was 19,213 against
17,060. Medicine and advice were given to the owners of 3,626 cases which
were not brought to the dispensaries, making a total of 22,839 animals treated
and supplied with medicine against a total of 20,008 animals treated and supplied
with medicine in the previous year.

Rs. 339-7-0 were realized in fees at the Hyderabad veterinary dispensary,
Rs. 670-0-0 at the Shikarpur dispensary and Rs. 5,886-10-0 as fees and shoeing
charges at the Karachi dispensary.

The number of castrations performed at dispensaries was 112 as against 78
in the previous year.

For want of funds no new dispensaries could be built during the year.
Some minor additions and alterations to dispensary buildings were carried out
at Larkana, Dadu and Naushahro-Feroz. The work of constructing a water-tight
serum pit at Sujawal was begun at the close of the year. It is estimated to cost
about Rs. 1,300 and the whole amount will be paid from Provincial revenues.

                    III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

                                    (1) Equines.

See Table X.

44. The Arab stallion " Bahadur" maintained by the District Local
Board, Larkana, is under the control of the Civil
Veterinary Department. He covered 53 mares during
1917-18 as against 61 mares covered by the stallion in the previous year. The
cost of feed and upkeep of the stallion was Rs. 446-2-3 against Rs. 485-7-8 in the
previous year. Government orders have not been received on the proposal of
contribution being paid from Provincial revenues for the cost of purchase and
upkeep of stallions maintained by District Local Boards in Sind.

                                      (2) Bovines.

45. It is regretted that a site for the Willingdon Cattle Farm has not yet
been finally decided upon. Two more sites were suggested but the results of
their water testing experiments are awaited. Fifty thousand lbs. of hay was
stacked in deh Phihai at a cost of Rs. 138.

On the advice of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, the
District Local Board, Upper Sind Frontier, purchased at a cost of Rs. 550 three