15.  Out of 189 attended in only 45 outbreaks of Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia
was inoculation performed on 5,449 animals. In one village 315 animals were
vaccinated against the disease.

During the course of the outbreaks in which inoculation was done 421
uninoculated and 12 inoculated animals died. There were no deaths amongst
the vaccinated animals.

16.  In four outbreaks 926 animals were inoculated against Anthrax out
of which three died.

17.  One hundred and one animals were successfully vaccinated for
Black-quarter at the Tegur Cattle Farm in Dharwar District.

18.  It will be seen from these figures that the operations of the depart-
ment in this direction are not limited for want of scope. While occasionally
people still object to having their cattle inoculated the chief reason why it is
done in so few outbreaks is that the staff are not informed of the outbreak in
time to allow the work to be done before the disease has run its course. In
such cases the Veterinary Assistant can only give advice to be acted upon on
future occasions. The fact that Rs. 510-14-8 were recovered in payment for
inoculation against Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia and Anthrax shows that the
effectiveness of inoculation as a means of protection is appreciated by the
people when once they have had experience of it. In this connection until
such time as the immediate reporting of disease is enforced by law more active
co-operation of the revenue officials in the districts is indicated. The habit of
themselves applying for Veterinary aid direct to the Veterinary Assistant,
is increasing amongst the people, but, until the staff is considerably increased
and the area of their individual jurisdiction greatly reduced, we cannot depend
on this alone in order that timely information of the incidence of disease
may be obtained.

                                        Other diseases.

Table IV.

19.  The number of villages visited by 65 Veterinary Assistants was 3,085
against 3,307 by 61 Veterinary Assistants last year.
During their tours they treated 14,935 cases of conta-
gious disease (chiefly Foot and Mouth cases) and 15,736 non-contagious cases.
The number of castrations performed was 1,151.


20.  During the year 403 specimens were sent by the Veterinary Assistants
to the Sir D. M. Petit Patho-Bacteriological Laboratory, Parel, for examination,
and five for the College Museum.

The outbreak of Infectious Lymphangitis of cattle in Kanara District was
investigated by Veterinary Inspector Lopez and the Veterinary Assistant of
Sirsi and material for Bacteriological examination was sent to the Imperial
Bacteriologist, Muktesar.

                                   Veterinary Dispensaries.

Table V.

21.  Four new dispensaries were opened during the year, viz., at Indi
and Sindgi in Bijapur District, at Dakore in Kaira
District and at Bandra in Thana District.

Including the new dispensaries the number at work at the end of the year
was 65 against 61 last year. The number of cases treated was 90,800 against
75,366 last year while medicines were supplied to 59,664 cases against 61,060.

The increase in the work is due to the recovery from famine conditions
that extended into the early part of the year, the work returning to nearly
normal towards the end of the year.

22.  The construction of permanent buildings progresses very slowly. The
new buildings for one ho pita, viz., at Barsi, was completed during the year.
The new hospital buildings at Sirsi, which have been under construction for a
considerable time, are not yet completed.

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