At the request of Major Patton, I.M.S., the Director of the Pasteur
Institute, Coonoor, a large number of specimens of maggots from cases of
cutaneous myiasis were sent to him by the staff.

In acknowledging the material Major Patton states that in all cases the
condition had been caused by a single blue bottle fly which proves to be a new
species of which a description will be published by him in the Imperial Journal
of Medical Research.

                                   Veterinary Dispensaries.

Table V.

20.   Eight new dispensaries were opened during the year, viz., at Italva

in Surat district, Satana in Nasik district, Talegaon
in Poona district, Kopergaon in Ahmednagar district,

Songola in Sholapur district, Ron and Haveri in Dharwar district and Kumta
in Kanara district.

Including the new dipensaries the number at work at the end of the year
was 73, against 65 last year. The number of cases treated was 89,522 against
90,800 last year, while medicines were supplied to 46,068 cases against 59,664.
The slight decrease in the number of patients is fairly well distributed
throughout and may be ascribed to cutaneous myiasis being less prevalent than
usual, and, in some cases, to famine conditions.

21.   As stated in the last year's report the work of construction of
permanent buildings progresses very slowly. A Dispensary and Store room and
a cattle shed were completed at Haliyal during the year through the generosity
of Rao Bahadur Gopal Giri. The new hospital buildings at Sirsi still remain
to be completed but arrangements have been come to whereby it is hoped they
will be completed in the current year.

Funds were provided for the construction of buildings at Pandharpur and
Baramati. The Pandharpar hospital is nearing completion but the work has not
yet been taken in hand at Baramati.

There are many hospitals located in temporary buildings of an unsuitable
nature in which the work cannot be carried on with much convenience.

The following 5 new dispensaries were opened during the year by the help
of popular contributions, viz., (1) Italva, (2) Satana, (3) Haveri, (4) Ron, and (5)
Kumta-. It is very satisfactory that the demand for these institutions should
be given expression to in such a usuful manner. Without these subscriptions
it is very doubtful if the hospitals would have been opened.

In only one case, that of Malwan, has the amount of work at a hospital
been unsatisfactory and the question of shifting the hospital to a more suitable
centre is under consideration.

By way of experiment the dispensary of Sirur Taluka of Poona District
was conducted on itinerating lines but owing to the prevalence of famine
conditions the results were not such as would indicate success or failure of
such a system.

                        III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

                                       (1) Bovines.

22. Nil.

                                       (2) Equines.

                            (i) Horse and Pony stallions,

Table X.

23.  At the beginning of the year 38 stallions, viz., 17 horses and 21 ponies
were employed at stud. There was no increase or
decrease in the number and there remained 38
stallions at the end of the year.

24.   The stallion which was stationed at Broach last year has had a
successful season having covered 62 mares.