The need for medicine has declined remarkably when
antiseptics of equal value but not phenyle have been

37.    Buildings.—A site has been selected for the
construction of veterinary dispensary buildings at Bala-

The Saugor District Council carried out repairs to
the Saugor dispensary buildings and an absorption pit was
constructed at the Betul Veterinary Dispensary.

As is remarked by the Commissioner of Nagpur Divi-
sion some of the dispensaries are "wretchedly housed".
This applies to many districts and in at least two cases in
recent years nothing was done to repair buildings until
they had become so dilapidated as to merit their descrip-
tion as "uninhabitable" by the Civil Surgeons.

It is such a pity that local bodies do not repair build-
ings immediately their attention is drawn to the necessity
but frequently evade the subject for years until rebuilding
or expensive repairs become necessary.

                  III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS

38.    The cattle-breeding farms continued to be
managed by the Agriculture department and the officers
of this department rendered necessary assistance by
giving advice on professional matters.

39.    Owing to shortage of staff no Veterinary Assist-
ant Surgeons could be placed on special duty to emascu-
late unsuitable bulls during the cold weather as sometimes
had been done in previous years.

40.    Propaganda.—During the year nine cattle fairs
and shows were held in different places in the Central
Provinces and Berar as shown in table No. XIV attached.
The cattle fairs at Singaji (Nimar district), Garhakota
(Saugor district), Hirdenagar (Mandla district), Wun
(Yeotmal district) and Bairam (Amraoti district) were
largely attended. The departmental staff attended these
and some other less important fairs and shows, opened
temporary dispensaries and arranged lectures on veteri-
nary matters supplemented by practical demonstrations of
inoculation, castration, spraying and intravenous injec-
tions. Magic lantern lectures were also arranged.