34.    The cattle-breeding farms in the province, which are under
the control of the agriculture department, were visited by the
departmental officers for rendering necessary assistance in profes-
sional matters from time to time.

35.    Propaganda.—During the year eight cattle fairs and
shows were held in different parts of the province as shown in Table
XIV. The cattle fairs at Garhakota (Saugor district) and "Wun
(Yeotmal district) were largely attended. The departmental officers
were present at all these fairs, opened temporary dispensaries and
arranged lectures on veterinary subjects. Practical demonstrations
in inoculation, castration, spraying and intravenous injections were
also undertaken whenever found necessary. Magic lantern lectures
were also arranged.

36.    Pamphlets in Marathi and Hindi written by the staff on
important veterinary subjects were distributed amongst the agri-
culturists of the province.

37.     Sixteen sanads were awarded during the year to land-
owners and others in recognition of their assistance to the subor-
dinate staff of the department in carrying out veterinary pro-
paganda work in the district.


38.     Mr. Kashi Prasad, Assistant Director of Veterinary
Services, Nagpur Division, who was on leave preparatory to retire-
ment last year, retired on the 16th May 1934.

39.     Subordinate Establishment.—The strength of the
Veterinary Inspectors during the year was 13 of whom Mr. L. M.
Roy was promoted to officate as Assistant Director of Veterinary
Services, Berar Division, from the 18th March 1935 vice Rai Sahib
Gouri Shanker Shrivastava and the services of Mr. N. S. Pathak,
Veterinary Inspector, Akola, have been lent to the Imperial Council
of Agricultural Research to work as Assistant Marketing Officer of
Live Stock, Central Provinces.

40.    The strength of the Veterinary Assistant Surgeons, at the
close of the year, was 131. During the year four Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons retired, two Veterinary Assistant Surgeons died and the
services of two probationary Veterinary Assistant Surgeons were
dispensed with.

41.    By the untimely death of Messrs. Mohamed Jaffer Khan
and F. A. Haqqani, Veterinary Assistant Surgeons, Katol and Anjan-
gaon-Surji respectively during the year, the department lost loyal
and good workers.

42.    Recruitment.—Seven Veterinary Assistant Surgeons who
were Central Provinces scholars and graduated from the Bombay
Veterinary College, joined the department during the year.