2 Veterinary Assistant Surgeons retired, 2 died, 1 resigned
and the services of 1 Veterinary Assistant Surgeon were
dispensed with.

44.   Recruitment.—Eleven Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons were appointed during the year under report.

                    IV.—GENERAL REMARKS

45.   During the year under report the total number
of outbreaks of contagious diseases in livestock was 5,584
[10,400]. The total mortality was 16,771 [17,759]. It
would be seen that the number of outbreaks and mortality
is the lowest as compared with the past five years. Spe-
cial efforts were made in dealing with rinderpest as a
result of which the district staff carried out 492,730 goat
virus vaccinations after I took over the charge apart from
141,177 vaccinations performed by the special staff sanc-
tioned by the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research.
The total number of inoculations done in the Province is
756,517 [475,438] in dealing with different diseases in

46.   Special attention was paid to castration of un-
suitable bulls in different areas in the Province with a
view to improve livestock work. Efforts are being made
to improve indigenous breeds of cattle in the Province.
The number of castrations performed is 167,519 [171,659].
Young calves considered likely to make good bulls were
left uncastrated to meet the growing demands of bulls in
the Province. The work of registration of privately-
owned bulls considered fit for breeding work has been
started. Livestock owners were advised to pay more
attention towards the feed and keep of their animals wich'
which is very closely connected their own prosperity.

47.  The number of patients treated at veterinary
dispensaries is 238,330 [223,641]. In addition to this,
8,499 [ 3,490 ] cases not brought to the dispensaries were
supplied with medicines. During the year, 100 outlying
dispensaries in the Province were opened which had very
good results. Here not only the cases which could not
be brought to veterinary dispensaries due to great distance
were treated but also propaganda by the district staff in
connection with the control of contagious diseases in live-
stock and also for the improvement of cattle-breeding
work was carried out. People were advised as to what
measures they should take in dealing with rinderpest,