20.  Black quarter.—The active immunization carried out
against this disease during the past years before the onset of the
monsoon has checked the disease to a great extent, the num-
ber of outbreaks reported during the year being only 179 (500)
and the mortality 736 (1,917). The total number of animals vac-
cinated was 29,593 (55,883) as shown below :—

    Serum alone method—1,208 (2,860).

    Serum simultaneous method—216 (460).

    Vaccine alone method—28,169 (52,563).

21.  Anthrax.—Ninty-three outbreaks of this disease were
reported against 136 of last year, but the outbreaks were of a
very virulent nature. The mortality was 733 (739); 13,652
(15,117) cattle were protected by inoculation.

22.  Bovine trypanosomiasis.—This disease appeared in 44
(64) villages and caused a mortality of 112 (131). Of these,
18 cases were confirmed microscopically and were successfully
treated with antimony tartarate. The mortality from diseases
not specified above was 1,961 (1,717).

23.  Piroplasmosis.—199 (440) cases were confirmed for B.
bigeminum. 13,270 animals were treated with trypan blue in-
jections. In addition to this Theileria mutans was confirmed in
102 (92) cases.

24.  Coccidiosis.—Thirty-five cases were confirmed micros-
copically and coccidiosis powder was administered successfully
in some of those.

25.  Nasal schistosomiasis.—One case was confirmed and
treated with tartar emetic.

26.  Rhinosporidiosis.—This was confirmed in one case.

27.  Johne's disease.—Three cases were confirmed.


28.  Strangles.—Two (5) cases were recorded.

29.  Surra.—Eighteen (56) outbreaks were recorded with a
mortality of 18 (93). Thirty-eight cases were confirmed micros-
copically and were given naganol (Bayer 205) with good results.


30.  Trypanosomiasis (Surra).—Three cases were confirmed
microscopically and were treated with naganol with satisfactory

31.  Piroplasmosis.—Fifeteen (39) for P. canis and 3 (10)
P. gibsoni were confirmed and the animals were treated with
trypan blue and tryparsomide with satisfactory results.

32.  Hepatozoon.—One case was recorded.

33.  Distemper.—Eighty-three (51) pups were treated with
distemper vaccine both as a curative and prophylactic measure.