24.   Piroplasmosis.—162 [199] cases were confirmed for
B. bigeminum. All the cases were treated with trypa nblue.

25.  Theileriasis.—Theileria mutans was confirmed in 136
[102] cases.

26.  Coccidiosis.—71 cases were confirmed microscopically.
The investigation carried out so far suggests the wide prevalence
of the chronic type of this infection which is presumably one
of the main factors responsible for the poor health of live stock
in many parts of this Province. Special Coccidiosis powder, con-
sisting of cheap and readily available drugs, has been tested by the
Veterinary Investigation Officer in a large number of cases with
encouraging results.

27.  Distomatosis.—5 cases were confirmed microscopically
and treated with carbon tetrachloride with success.

28.   Schistosomiasis.—10 cases of this disease were
confirmed during the year and treated with injections of Tartar
emetic with satisfactory results.

29.  Filariasis.—This condition was investigated at the
Telenkheri farm where it appeared almost in the form of an out-
break. 6 animals were affected. All the cases responded well
to Tartar emetic injections.

30.   Surra.—13 [18] outbreaks of this disease were
recorded with a mortality of 13 [18]. Thirty-four [38] cases were
confirmed microscopically and treated successfully with Naganol
(Bayer 205) injections.

31.  Strangles.—Only one [2] case of this disease was

32.   Piroplasmosis.—This was confirmed in four cases which
were treated successfully with trypan blue injection.

33.  Helminthiasis.—The examination of local ponies has
revealed the presence of a variety of interesting worms. Further
work in respect of collection and study of the specimens is being

                Diseases of goats and sheep.

34.  Haemorrhagic septicaemia.—5 cases were con-
firmed microscopically and 337 inoculations were effected.

35.  Anthrax.—This was confirmed in one case and the
mortality recorded was 19. 10 cases were protected with serum
alone method.

36.   Goat pox.—An outbreak was detected in Berar with
typical manifestations of variola infection.

37.  Contagious pleuro-pneumonia.—This condit on has
been reported to be responsible for heavy losses in goats. In one
area alone 134 animals are stated to have succumbed as a result of