yielders. Further, on account of the failure of crops the feeding
has also not been entirely satisfactory and this has reflected adversely
on milk yield. With a view to reduce the expenditure on feeding,
an area of. about 14.8 acres of land has been further brought under
cultivation and 1,000 acres have been reserved for grazing.

60. The experimental sheep-breeding farm at Dhar in the
Betul district has progressed satisfactorily. The strength of the
flock at the close of the year was 395 [314]. The breeding pro-
gramme, which consists of selective grading of the indigenous stock
and cross-breeding with Bikaner and Hissar Dale rams, was syste-
matically followed. Matings were effected during June and July
and of the total of 215 ewes put to rams, 180 were successfully
covered. Lambing commenced in November and continued till
the end of December 1940, and in all 178 lambs (including 167
dropped by the 180 ewes referred to above) were born during the
year. Washing and shearing operations were conducted in April
and October. The wool produced at this farm was sold to the
provincial textile expert who has observed in respect of the quality
" that a great improvement has been effected in the staple and feel
of the wool as compared with the wool supplied in previous
years ".

61. Poultry farming.—As an experimental measure, poultry
farming has been in progress for the last six years at the Telenkheri
farm. Appreciable headway has been made during this period in
popularizing this cottage industry in the Province. The strength
of the flock at the close of the year was 793 [613] as shown below :—

White Leghorn ..

346 [362]

Welsummer .. ..

67 [49]

Black Minorcas ..

84 [58]

Austrolorps .. ..

10 [6]

Rhode Island Red ..

244 [128]

White Wyandottes ..

30 [6]

Chittagong .. ..

12 [3]

Light Sussex .. ..

.. [1]

Total ..

793 [613]

Spirochæte infection appeared at the farm and was promptly
dealt with. Vaccination against fowl cholera was undertaken as a
preventive measure, and as a safeguard against the serious pest
"Ranikhet disease", whose existence had been confirmed for the
first time in this Province within the municipal limits of Nagpur,
the flock was split up into small units. Due to these preventive
measures there was a fall in egg production, the total during the