entirely displace castration by cultivators themselves. It
has also to be remembered that castration must be
effected at a period when it will have the least effect on
the muscular development of the animal operated upon.
It is important, therefore, that attention should be con-
centrated on securing the separation of bulls from the
herds previous to castration, and in the instruction of
cultivators in this direction the Veterinary Department
can count upon the assistance of the Agricultural

4.     The extension of the activities of the depart-
ment has been handicapped by the shortage of staff which
continued during the year under report. To remedy
the defect and to replace wastages among Veterinary
Assistants, 15 additional scholarships are being awarded
each year for the next three years beginning with the
present year. Unfortunately in the absence of trained
personnel from other sources upon which reliance could
be placed in the past, it will be several years before the
increased number of scholars is able to overtake the
ordinary wastages and increase the strength of the staff.
Till the complement of Veterinary Assistant Surgeons
is completed and increased, it is not possible to
man the dispensaries which the District Councils wish
to open for the extension of veterinary relief During
the year the cadre was 18 short of its sanctioned strength
of 145. The department was also shorthanded owing
to the absence of Mr. Wilson on leave preparatory to
retirement and the duties of Second Superintendent were
combined with those of the Deputy Superintendent,
Nagpur Division. It is all the more satisfactory in these
circumstances that the touring and inspection performed
by the gazetted officers of the department show a sub-
stantial improvement and that the outdoor work of the
staff shows such a large expansion, and it is creditable
to Major Stirling and his staff to have been able to
establish a record in almost all the activities of the depart-

5.     For the organization of a service for the direction
and superintendence of the department to cope with the
expansion of its activities, which is contemplated in the
future, a scheme has been under the consideration of