Government, and the rules have recently been issued
for the new Superior Veterinary service. In order to
provide training for candidates for this service, two
scholarships for study in Veterinary Colleges in Great
Britain have recently been awarded to local candidates.
A notable feature of the development of the department
in recent years has been the increasing activity of the
laboratory side, and it is satisfactory that the heavy
demands on the staff and equipment available during the
present year have been as fully met as the report
indicates. The question of the establishment of a veteri-
nary institute equipped to meet the bacteriological and
scientific requirements of the department's work has been
under consideration for some time, and a suitable site
has been definitely selected and reserved for the purpose.
It is proposed to make a beginning with a well equipped
laboratory to be accommodated in the same building
with the administrative offices of the department and
later to add to this a self-contained school equipped to
train men to become Veterinary Assistant Surgeons.

6. The importance of propaganda work for the
dissemination of a better understanding and application
of improved methods cannot be over emphasized, and it
is for this purpose that the Veterinary Department has
taken advantage of local rallies organized by Co-operative
Societies and of agricultural and cattle shows organized in
connection with the Agricultural Department for lectures
and publicity. In an agricultural community, dependent
largely on the efficiency of its live-stock, veterinary
science is an all-important handmaid, and Government
looks to the Heads of Departments concerned to take the
fullest possible advantage possible of co-operation in
propaganda and practice for the improved protection and
well being of agricultural cattle. In this connection
Government commends to the notice of Commissioners
and district officers the appeal for encouragement and
support made by the Veterinary Adviser and is confident
that it can count on their interest and influence in
extending the usefulness of veterinary work within their

7. The local Government recognizes that a con-
siderable strain has been placed upon the department by the