conditions of the year under report, and it desires to
place on record its appreciation of the keenness and
energy which Major Stirling has brought to the discharge
of his duties as Veterinary Adviser. Government is also
pleased to notice the Veterinary Adviser's tribute to the
officers of the department, and has commended the names
of those officers whose services have been especially
mentioned in the report.

ORDER.—Ordered that a copy of this Resolution,
together with the enclosure, be submitted to the
Government of India, in the Department of Education,
Health and Lands, that copies be forwarded to the
Veterinary Adviser to Government and to all Commis-
sioners and Deputy Commissioners, Central Provinces
and Berar, for information and guidance, and that it be
published in the Supplement to the Central Provinces

                                                By order of the Government
                                                      (Ministry of Agriculture),

                                                            E. GORDON,

                                    Revenue Secretary to Government,
                                                                 Central Provinces.