Bilaspur, one was sent by District Council, Chanda,
and two were sent by the Municipal Committees,
Karanja and Shegaon. The student sent by the Chanda
District Council left the class shortly after he joined. The
first session also included two Government stipendiary
students who had not completed the course last year.
These two men, along with four other students admitted
during the year, completed the course and passed the
test. The man sent by the Karanja Municipal Committee
could not complete the course in time, owing to ill-health,
and remained under training.

17.    Four probationary Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons were trained in elementary bacteriological
technique at the Veterinary Laboratory, Nagpur, prior to
being posted for work in the districts. The Deputy
Superintendent, Chhattisgarh Division, trained a proba-
tionary Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in dispensary routine
work and in practical inoculation and castration, while the
Deputy Superintendent, Nerbudda Division, trained a
probationary Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the method
of inoculation and intravenous injections, and the Deputy
Superintendent, Jubbulpore Division, trained the Touring
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Mandla, and the Veteri-
nary Assistant Surgeon, Hatta, in the method of intra-
venous injection.

                   II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASES.

                1. EXAMINATION OF SPECIMENS.

18.    Except the Deputy Superintendent of the
Nagpur Division, the five Deputy Superintendents in
charge of the other five divisions have continued to diag-
nose microscopically certain diseases and to issue the
necessary certificates. The diagnostic work for the
Nagpur Division is done by the local laboratory. From
a perusal of statement A attached, it will be seen that
in spite of some microscopical examinations being done in
the five divisions, the work of the local laboratory shows
a very great increase over that of last year.

19.    The specimens received in 1927-28 numbered

The number of specimens received and dealt with in
this year amounted to 34,270 (including 1,038 in the divi-
sional laboratories), representing 31,226 individual cases.
3,462 special reports (with 30,572 positive findings,