32.    Experiments that were conducted by the
Imperial Institute of Veterinary Research, Muktesar, for
treating horses affected with surra by the combined intra-
venous-intrathecal administration of the drug known as
"Bayer 205", have gone to prove that this is the best
method of treatment yet evolved for the cure of the

Although I have been given full discretionary powers
either to destroy, or isolate and treat, any animal affected
with surra according to the circumstances of each case, no
suitable case has been so dealt with during the year under

33.    Strangles was reported from Nagpur, Amraoti
and Jubbulpore. The disease was microscopically con-
firmed in 10 outbreaks. It occurred in a mild form.

34.    Tetanus.—Anti-tetanus toxin was used in 24
animals as a prophylactic with good results.

35.    Rabies.—The disease was prevalent throughout
the province. The facilities afforded at the Nagpur dis-
pensary for the anti-rabic treatment in dogs were taken
advantage of, by 8 owners.

36.    Fowl Cholera.—The prevalence of this disease
was microscopically confirmed in 67 outbreaks and, in 10
outbreaks, 946 birds were immunised with anti-hæmor-
rhagic septicæmia serum. The use of this serum has in
past years proved beneficial but now that fowl-cholera
serum is being issued from the Imperial Institute of Vete-
rinary Research, Muktesar, it will be used in future.

37.     Spirochaetosis is very prevalent amongst the
poultry in this province, especially in the Nagpur, Chanda,
Akola, Yeotmal, Amraoti, Buldana and Jubbulpore dis-
tricts. It is reported that treatment with soamin in the
early stages of the disease has been quite successful.

38.    Distemper and Canine Typhus.—These highly
infective and fatal diseases of dogs occurred in Nagpur,
Raipur and Amraoti districts resulting in 5, 12 and 10
deaths respectively. In well-bred dogs the mortality is
generally very high, because of the fact that they contract
piroplasmosis at an early age which lowers their vitality.
47 dogs have been relieved by the use of anti-distemper