opening of so many new dispensaries, but the existing
staff barely suffices to meet existing commitments, and it
is impossible to start new dispensaries until the necessary
additions to the staff can be supplied and funds are
provided for maintaining these institutions. In certain
instances municipal committees and district councils have
not been able to see eye to eye in the matter of the
proportion of their contributions for the support of
dispensaries, and it is satisfactory that the report records
that the local bodies concerned have been able to come
to an agreement. Considerable advantage is taken of
dispensaries in towns by the local owners of animals and
the urban authorities representing them should be
willing to recognize the benefits received and to contri-
bute their share along with the rural community in
meeting the cost of such dispensaries.

5. Government is pleased to record its appreciation
of the efficient administration of the department during
a difficult period by Major Stirling and Major Priston
who officiated as Director for the greater part of the
year. Government also desires to thank Major Stirling
for his interesting report, and notes with pleasure the
names of the various officers of the department whose
work has been specially commended in the report.

ORDER.—Ordered that a copy of this Resolution,
together with the enclosure, be submitted to the Govern-
ment of India, in the Department of Education, Health
and Lands, that copies be forwarded to the Director
of Veterinary Services and to all Commissioners and
Deputy Commissioners, Central Provinces and Berar,
for information and guidance, and that it be published
in the Supplement to the Central Provinces Gazette.

                               By order of the Government
                                        (Ministry of Agriculture),

                                                      G. P. BURTON,

                            Revenue Secretary to Government,
                                                        Central Provinces.