found very successful. Besides these 32 cases of
P. Mutans were also confirmed microscopically in
bovines. Unfortunately trypan blue does not seem to
have much effect in this infection.

The total quantity of trypan blue solution issued
amounted to 1,471,610 c.c. as against 1,398,903 c.c. last

26.    Trypanosomiasis.—Of the 62 cases confirmed
for this disease, 42 were equines, 19 bovines and one
canine. The disease appeared in a severe form in
Patan Circle of Jubbulpore district and in Khurai
irrigation works.

All the bovines were treated with antimony tartrate,
yielding satisfactory results. Living cases of equine
surra were dealt with under the "Glanders and Farcy

27.    Anaplasmosis.—Twenty-five cases were con-
firmed amongst bovines. The disease, in these Provinces
at least, never seems to occur in a severe form and
practically no losses have ever been reported.

28.    Tetanus.—Twenty-four cases were confirmed
microscopically in equines. Four deaths from this
disease were reported.

29.    Strangles.—Two cases were confirmed micros-
copically. No mortality from this disease was reported.

30.    Rabies.—This disease of dogs was prevalent
throughout the province. No effective measures to
stamp out the disease from towns were taken by any of
the municipalities and until this is done the outbreaks of
this disease will probably be on the increase, as more
dogs seem to be kept in the towns I have visited. Eight
dogs were given preventive vaccination in Nagpur.

31.    Fowl Cholera and Spirochaetosis.—Both these
diseases of fowls were found to exist all over the
province. In 45 outbreaks of fowl cholera and 21 out-
breaks of spirochaetosis the diseases were confirmed
microscopically. Soamin treatment in the latter disease
has been found very useful, whilst in fowl cholera
preventive inoculation with anti-haemorrhagic septicaemia
serum was found to be very effective to check the spread
of the disease. 1,087 fowls were protected by this latter