The depot continued to be at Tataparai throughout the year, but the difficulties
experienced there appear to be insuperable, so the lesser of two evils has been chosen
and it has been decided to return to Tuticorin as soon as possible.

During the year an officer of the rank of Inspector was placed in charge of
the depot.

An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease occurred in the early part of the year
but there were no deaths.

Six cattle and 15 goats died of anthrax in the depot during the year.

                         III.—BREEDING OPERATIONS.

(i) Bovines.—There were 13 bulls in the charge of this department at the
beginning of the year. Of these one died and three were sold.

The following table shows the number of coverings performed by each bull as
far as can be ascertained:—

Name of bull.


Number of


Bull No. 1 ..

Veterinary dispensary, Tinnevelly .. ..



„ 2 ..

Do. Hospital, Tanjore .. .. ..


Sold in auction on let April 1915.

„ 3 ..

Nellore district.. .. .. .. ..


The ball has been in the Veterinary
Hospital, Ongole, for treatment from
9th February 1916.

„ 4 ..

Gunt?r district .. .. .. .. ..



„ 13 ..

Do. .. .. .. .. ..


Sold in auction in August 1915.

„ 15 ..

Vizagapatam district .. .. .. ..



„ 16 ..

Do. Hospital .. .. .. ..



„ 18 ..

Gunt?r district .. .. .. .. ..



„ 19 ..

Madras Veterinary College .. .. ..


Died on 29th May 1915.

„ 20 ..

Vizagapatam district .. .. .. ..


Sold in auction on 23rd February 1916.

„ 22 ..

Gunt?r district .. .. .. .. ..


Transferred to Kistna district on 23rd
December 1915.

„ 23 ..

Anantapur district .. .. .. ..



„ 24 ..

Do. .. .. .. ..



Total ..


(ii) Equines.—Two Arab stallions remained on 1st April 1915. They covered
between them 56 mares during the year until February 1916. As the results so far
obtained indicated that operations with Arab stallions were not worth continuing and
as the two stallions then at stud were advancing in years their disposal was recom-
mended and the Board of Revenue approved of the proposal. The two stallions were
accordingly sold in public auction in February 1916. It has however been decided
to try operations with country-bred stallions and endeavours are being made to
obtain two suitable animals to begin with.

(iii) Fairs and shows.—The usual shows were held at Madura, Tiruppur and
Ongole during the year and a separate report was submitted with regard to the
second. The report of the Association on the Ongole show is awaited. The report
of the Association on the Madura show was not received and it was not called for as
no Government grant was given to the show. The Secretaries of the Industrial
Exhibition at Proddatur, Cuddapah district, organised a cattle show in connection
with the Exhibition in September 1915 and the Touring Veterinary Assistant of the
district was deputed to attend.

The Cattle Disease Act was enforced at all the usual annual cattle fairs in the
Presidency and Veterinary Assistants were deputed in each case to attend them.

                              IV.—SUBORDINATE STAFF.

(i) Executive Staff.—At the close of the year under report there were ten
Inspectors, including the one lent to the Agricultural Department, and 91 Assistants
in the department The manner in which they were employed is shown in table VII.
Fifteen graduates of the Madras Veterinary College were newly appointed. Two
appointments of Inspectors were sanctioned, one for the cattle Quarantine Depot at
Tuticorin and the other for a newly created circle. During the year the services of
a Veterinary Inspector were dispensed with and one Assistant obtained a transfer
to the Civil Veterinary Department, Central Provinces. Veterinary Inspector
