when the additional Deputy Superintendent whose appointment has recently been
gazetted assumes charge, the office of each will consist of two clerks and a portion of
the routine work of the Superintendent's office will be transferred to their offices.


The figures under " Local " in table XIV-A have not yet been furnished by
the Accountant-General. According to the figures under " Provincial " the expend-
iture during the year under report was Rs. 12,128-6—6 more than that of the
previous year so far as this department was concerned. The increase under the
heading " Establishment for the inspection of cattle, etc." was mainly due to the pay-
ment of rent of Rs. 1,300 for a year from 1st October 1916 for the lands in
Tuticorin leased for the Cattle Quarantine Depot. A Government grant of Rs 1,000
was given to the last Ongole Cattle Show. As no show was held during the year
1916-17 the expenditure under "Fairs and shows " is nil.

                            VI.—GENERAL REMARKS.

As in previous years rinderpest carried off a large number of victims. Hæmor-
rhagic septicæmia also was severe. Mr. Ware submitted to the Board of Revenue
a special report on the causes of the increased mortality from rinderpest during
1914-15 and those causes still remain the same. In addition it may be stated that
the skinning of carcases of animals dead of contagious disease and throwing the car-
cases into rivers by ignorant ryots which seem to be matters of common occurrence
tend to spread the contagion. The late receipt and non-receipt of outbreak reports
of contagious diseases by veterinary assistants are not uncommon and in such cases
a veterinary assistant will not be able to do anything in the affected area. To put
a stop to these, the co-operation of Revenue Officers with the members of this depart-
ment is very essential.

Mr. A. W. Shilston was deputed by the Government of India to visit this
Presidency with a view to assist this department in dealing with the question of
rinderpest. He arrived at Madras on 18th January 1917 and after touring in
Malabar, Kistna and Guntur districts left the Presidency on 1st February 1917.
His report on the subject is awaited.

(ii) Government have ordered that the provisions of the Cattle Disease Act
shall be put in force in the town of Pithapuram for a period of one year with effect
from the date of publication of the notification, as several cases of cattle affected by
contagious diseases have been noticed at the weekly cattle market at Pithapuram, to
which a large number of cattle are brought for sale from various places. It is hoped
that this will have a beneficial effect in preventing the spread of cattle disease in the

(iii) The Raja of Pithapuram has appointed a veterinary assistant not
belonging to this department to the hospital under his control. The hospital however
will, as usual, be inspected periodically by the inspecting officers of this department
at the Raja's request.

(iv) Copies of veterinary leaflet No. 2 were printed and supplied to all
Collectors for distribution during the year.

(v) The usual promotion examination for the senior assistants in the third
grade was held in July 1916. Out of 14 men examined, 7 passed.

(vi) In several districts, touring veterinary assistants still experience difficulty
in obtaining peons to accompany them on their tours. The difficulty is much more
when they tour in independent Deputy Tahsildars' divisions. A report on this
subject has been submitted to Government.

(vii) The Government have asked the District Magistrates to issue instruc-
tions to all Magistrates who try cases under the Act for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, XI of 1890, to make use of the provisions in section 6 (3) of the Act and yet
it is reported that in Trichinopoly cases convicted under the Act are not sent to the
hospital for treatment.
