53.  S.P.C.A.—According to the figures received 3,086 convictions were obtained
in the Presidency, excluding Madras City, under the Act for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals during the year but only 255 cases were sent to Veterinary
hospitals for treatment although the latter, where they exist, have been declared
infirmaries under the Act in each town where the Act is in force.

54.  There were 1,879 convictions in Trichinopoly town but only 6 of them were
sent to the hospital, 326 in Coimbatore town but only 87 were sent to the hospital, in
Bellary town there were 176 convictions but only 21 went to the hospital, Cocanada
and Rajahmundry report 179 and 141 convictions respectively but no cases were sent
to the hospitals in those towns for treatment.

It is not understood why Magistrates fail in what seems to me the most
important part of their duty when trying cases under this Act.

55.   Cattle Quarantine Depot, Tuticorin.—The same unsatisfactory arrangements
as reported in the annual report of this department for the previous year continued
during 1917-18.

Owing to the difficulties of transport the figures again show a decline from the
previous year, cattle falling from 7,721 to 4,952, and sheep and goats from 72,977 to
67,664. Five deaths from Anthrax occurred amongst sheep and goats during the
year and 19 cases of Foot-and-Mouth disease were observed in cattle, but none of
the latter succumbed to the disease.

56.   Meat Inspection.—Of the municipalities mentioned in the last annual report
of this department which employ the local Veterinary Assistant to do their meat
inspection, Berhampur has since retransferred the work to an Assistant Sanitary
Inspector. Salem, Cuddalore and Negaparam. joined the list during the year under
report and Government approved the resolution of the Madura Municipal Council to
appoint a Special Veterinary graduate for their slaughter-house but it is not known
whether the post has been filled up.

57.  Fairs and Shows.—Tables XIII and XIV give the details as far as
they can be ascertained of the fairs and shows held for horses and cattle in this

58. As usual the Madras Cattle Diseases Act was put in force at most of the
large cattle fairs and in each case a Veterinary Assistant was deputed to attend and
administer it. This Act is useful when an outbreak of a sporadic disease like
Anthrax occurs but it leaves something to be desired when dealing with Rinderpest.
Government are being addressed to revise the Act for this purpose but the correct
procedure to adopt with a fair in a tract affected with Rinderpest is undoubtedly to
close it.

59.   The acting Superintendent was present at the Tiruppur Cattle and Pony
Show and the Principal of the Madras Veterinary College attended the show held at
Ongole during the year owing to the indisposition of the Superintendent.

60.   Arrangements are being made to obtain more detailed figures for table
XIII in future years.

Three cases of Surra were discovered by the Veterinary Assistant attending the
Kottapalli fair.

61.  Entomology.—It may be of interest to note that the tick, Ornithodoros
Savignyi, which is said to be the carrier of human relapsing fever, is reported from
time to time by the staff to cause trouble by living in great numbers in the sandy
floors of cattle sheds, pounds, etc., in the southern districts of this Presidency. It
was first identified for this department by the Government Entomologist with the
Madras Agricultural Department in 1914.


62.   As only the preliminary figures under "Provincial" have as yet been
received from the Accountant-General it is not possible to include more than this in
table XIV-A, nor is it possible from the figures available in this office to state the
net cost of the department to Government. Contrasting the preliminary Provincial
figures of the last two years it will be seen that there has been an increase during the
year under report of Rs. 20,339-6-6, which may be put down to general expan-
sion, as the majority of it occurs under the head "Subordinate establishment."