department, except those relating to the Quarantine Depot at Tuticorin, and breeding
operations, under which there was no expenditure by this department last year.

                                         VI.—OFFICE STAFF.

63.  In November 1919 Mr. Loftus-Tottenham, who had recently been on special
duty in connection with the reduction of work in Government offices, inspected this
office, and suggested several deviations from the Disposal Number System, under
which it had been previously carried on.

As a result a considerable reduction in clerical work was effected and, instead of
the four additional clerks asked for, it was found possible to manage with two who
have been sanctioned by Government.

At the same time the post of copyist was converted into that of second typist.

64.  It becomes monotonous to mention each year the names of the senior clerks
of this office, who always do well, and during the year under report the whole office
staff worked most satisfactorily.

As a reward it is hoped that Government will consider favourably their prayers
for an increase in pay which will place them on a level with the clerks in other
offices in the Presidency town.

65.  The office Veterinary Assistants V. Janakiraman and A. R. Venkatachallam
Ayyar also deserve mention for their work during the year.

                               VII.—GENERAL REMARKS.

66.   Leaflet No. 4 on 'Rinderpest' was distributed during the year by the
Publicity Bureau, which has kindly undertaken to distribute the leaflets of this
department in future according to a list prepared by this department.

67.  The formal sanction of Government was obtained for the publication by
this department of the 'Madras Veterinary Journal' and four numbers were issued
during 1919-20. It has since been made a bi-monthly publication.

68.  Owing to the absence of the Principal, Madras Veterinary College, on leave,
the promotion examination for Veterinary Assistants was postponed from March to
July of the current year.

69.  A class for training Veterinary compounders was arranged to be held at the
Madras Veterinary College during the summer vacation of 1919, but, owing to
several disappointments at the last moment, only one youth attended it. He and
the compounder of the Veterinary Hospital, Berhampur, who was allowed to appear
for the examination only, passed the prescribed test.

70.  During the year Government sanctioned a revised scale of pay, to take
effect from 1st October 1919, for the Inspectors and Assistants of this department,
by which the minimum pay of an assistant has been raised to Rs. 45 per mensem,
but most of the staff have since petitioned Government for a further increase.

71.  Government have sanctioned an allowance of Rs. 2 per mensem to non-Oriya
Veterinary Assistants employed in Ganjām district and the Agency tracts of
Vizagapatam for passing the colloquial examination in Oriya.

A reward of Rs. 250 is also offered to the Veterinary Assistants employed in the
Agency tracts of Ganjām and Vizagapatam who pass the colloquial examination in the
Khond language.

72.  As the new Bacteriological Laboratory at the Madras Veterinary College
was nearing completion Government were asked to approve of the institution of a
post-graduate course there for certain members of this department, but they decided
to postpone it owing to the expenditure which would be incurred in providing the
necessary extra staff. They have been asked to reconsider their decision.

73.   In order that some one may be held responsible for attending to outbreaks
of contagious diseases in military cantonments in this Presidency, Government, at
the instance of the Superintendent, obtained the consent of the General Officer
Commanding 9th Division to issue instructions to the military authorities concerned
to send notice of an outbreak of contagious disease to the nearest touring veterinary
assistant of this department for action.