4                                No. 1449, DEVELOPMENT, 6TH OCTOBER 1925

The reasons assigned for non-attendance of some of the reports received were
either the non-receipt of progress reports or the receipt of intimation that the disease
had subsided.

26.   Rinderpest.—This disease is reported to have caused 9,681 deaths as against
3,434 in the previous year, the district of Kurnool, where 2,607 animals died, having
suffered the most. Next to it were the districts of Ganjam and Kistna with 1,984
and 1,597 deaths, respectively. The disease was also very prevalent in Cuddapah and
South Kanara districts during the latter part of the year. Compulsory inoculation
was enforced in Atmakur of Kurnool district, in six villages in Cuddapah district and
in two in South Kanara district. The disease was kept under control in Cuddapah
and South Kanara districts but is still severe in Kurnool district and has spread to
the whole of Bellary district. The Revenue officials concerned rendered every
assistance in enforcing the provisions of the Cattle Disease Act. The opposition to
compulsory inoculation was very little and there was no occasion for any prosecution
under the Act. It is reported that the sources of infection could be traced to herds
of cattle brought from the Mysore Province and Hyderabad State by cattle dealers for

27.  Ten thousand two hundred and sixteen inoculations by the 'Serum alone'
method were performed in 105 outbreaks and the amount of fees realized was
Rs. 3,270. The levy of fee for inoculation, which had been in force from October
1922, has been withdrawn from 1st April 1925.

28.   During the year 212 animals were protected against Rinderpest by the
'Serum simultaneous' method without a casualty. Fifty-four of these animals
belonged to private individuals. The virulent blood required for these inoculations
was sent by the Director of the Imperial Institute of Veterinary Research, Muktesar
by post in a sterile condition, in sterile air-tight bottles. In this form it retains its
virulence for over nine days even when exposed to 'plains' hot weather conditions.
The inoculations with the blood thus received were quite successful. There was
therefore no necessity to send a clerk to Bareilly to obtain the blood as was done in
previous years.

29.   Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—The number of deaths reported was 3,324 as
against 3,612 in the previous year. The disease was severe in Ganjam, Kistna and
Tanjore districts. Sixteen thousand three hundred and forty inoculations were
performed in 119 outbreaks.

80. Anthrax.—Three thousand three hundred and sixty-one deaths were recorded
under this head as against 2,890 in the preceding year. In the Kistna district alone
888 animals succumbed to the disease. The number of cattle inoculated was 1,933 in
21 outbreaks.

31.  Black-quarter.—The mortality under this head was less than half of that of
the previous year, the number reported being 2,068 against 4,642 in 1923-24.
Ganjam district accounted for 348 deaths. Three hundred and ninety-eight head of
young stock were protected against this disease with the new germ free filtrate at
the Palayakottai Pattagar's farm. Inoculations were not carried out anywhere with
anti-serum as the outbreaks were not of a severe nature, and soon subsided.

32.  Foot-and-mouth disease.—The loss from this disease was 1,362 animals
against 1,273 in the preceding year. The highest mortality, viz., 282 deaths was
recorded in the district of Ganjam.

33.   Glanders and Epizootic Lymphangitis.—Nil.

34.  Infectious Lymphangitis of Cattle.—Three cases of this disease were confirmed

35.   Trypanosomiasis. — This disease was confirmed in seven ponies and two
buffaloes. Four of the seven ponies died and the remaining three were destroyed
and compensation was paid to the owners.

36.  Piroplasmosis.—An outbreak of this disease occurred amongst the cross-
bred cattle on the Government Cattle Farm at Hosur. Out of a herd of 30 affected 5
died. M.R.Ry. V. Krishnamurthi Ayyar Avargal investigated the outbreak and
found it to be due to Piroplasma Mutans. Elsewhere this disease was detected in
5  animals.