REPORT OF THE VETERINARY DEPARTMENT,


                             FOR THE TEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH 1909.

                             PREFACE—GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.

1.   In recognition of the excellent results attained by the vigorous campaign of preventive
inoculation durirg the year 1907-08, Government made a further grant of Rs. 10,000 to the
Surma Valley Branch, Indian Tea Association, for the support of the temporary Veterinary Depart-
ment in the Surma Valley for the year 1903-09. I held charge as Special Veterinary Officer during
the year, and was on tour 238 days, and travelled 4,635 miles by rail, 2,113 miles by road and
country boat. I visited 238 tea gardens and villages and treated 7,746 animals for contagious diseases,
1,730 for non-contagious diseases, and castrated 6 equines, 22 bovines, and 7 others.

2.  The Surra stricken area was visited by Mr. Harris, m.r.c.v.s., Superintendent, Civil
Veterinary Department, Eastern Bengal and Assam. Mr. Harris and myself also visited a large
number of busties where inoculation had been carried out, and the cattle show held in North Sylhet
in January 1909.

                             PART II.—VETERINARY INSTRUCTION.

3.  One Veterinary Assistant was sent up to Bareilly to undergo a special training in inocu-
lation duties and in the care and preparation of serum. His attendance has proved satisfac-

4.  The Bengali copy of " Hallen's Manual of the more deadly forms of Cattle-Disease in
India " has proved of great assistance to intelligent, and influential raiyats in recognising the differ-
ent contagious disease. There is still a growing demand for the services of this Department,

                             PART II.—TREATMENT OF DISEASE.


5.  Beyond Surra, very few deaths of equines from contagious diseases have been reported.

6.  Anthrax.—Only one case of anthrax has been reported to me; the diagnosis in this case
was not confirmed by microscopical examination, as no material was sent for this purpose.

7.   Glanders.—One case of this disease was reported; this was a suspected case and proved
not to be glanders.

8.  Surra.—Eighteen cases occurred amongst the trolly ponies at Rajghat tea estate and one
at Silchar. At Rajghat 16 ponies died, and the horse at Silchar was destroyed on my recom-
mendation. The treatment for surra undertaken at Rajghat proved unsuccessful. I recommend
that every precaution be taken to safe-guard ponies in the Surma Valley from fatal attacks of
surra and that every animal that develops the disease be promptly slaughtered and burned; healthy
ponies should be kept carefully isolated in a fly-proof stable until repeated blood examination shows
that they are free from trypancsomes. If treatment is undertaken, it should be only when the
animal can be perfectly isolated and protected from flies which may convey the disease to other


9.  Rinderpest.—This disease has not been so prevalent during the year. The number of out
breaks and mortality shows a considerable decrease this year when compared with previous year, when
it carried off 1,178 animals. This year it has been reported from 23 villages, having caused 688

10.   Foot-and-mouth disease.—This disease was reported from 23 villages with 26 deaths. I am
of opinion that the deaths must have been from other causes and not foot-and-mouth disease. The
mortality from this disease is usually very low. There were no deaths reported last year.

11.   Black Quarter.—This disease has not been reported.

12.  Anthrax.—This disease has been prevalent more or less throughout the entice valley during
the year, causing a total mortality of 496 cattle against 190 in the previous year.

13.  Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—Was reported from 33 villages as causing 346 deaths. The
largest mortality was reported from Katigora. There were 70 deaths in the previous year.

14.  No deaths have been reported from other contagious diseases.

15.  The total number of deaths this year from contagious diseases is 496 anthrax, 26 foot-
and mouth disease, 346 hæmorrhagic septicæmia, 688 rinderpest, and 17 surra. Total 1,573. Last
year the total mortality was 1,478.