43.   Tippera Veterinary Hospital.—Veterinary Assistant H. C. Das Gupta
remained in charge of the hospital and dispensary. During the year 13 in-patients
and 620 out-patients were treated against 21 in-patients and 874 out-patients in the
previous year. The decrease is due to the fact that the Veterinary Assistant did
more touring work; he visited 207 villages and treated 3,425 animals for contagious
and non-contagious diseases.

44.  Noakhali Veterinary Dispensary.—The dispensary remained open for 186
days. During the year 944 animals were treated (47 equines, 785 bovines, and 112
others) against 1,236 treated in the previous year. Eighty-five successful operations
were performed against 43 of the last year. The cause of the decrease in the number
of cases treated at headquarters is explained by the Veterinary Assistant remaining
longer on tour in the Mofussil where he visited 130 villages, treated 335 animals and
inoculated 742 head of cattle against rinderpest.

45.  Dinajpur Veterinary Hospital.—Veterinary Assistant A. T. Biswas held
charge throughout the year. Four hundred and fifty-six animals (29 in-patients and
427 out-patients) were treated against 364 cases in the previous year, of which 25
were in-patients and 339 were out-patients. The Assistant was also on tour and
visited 153 villages and treated 3,667 animals. The Committee reports that the insti-
tution has made considerable progress since its opening.

46.  Rangpur Veterinary Hospital.—Veterinary Assistant A. C. Chaki held charge
of the hospital and dispensary till the 20th October 1910, when he was transferred
from the charge to an itinerant post. He was relieved by Veterinary Assistant J. N.
Guha who held charge during the remainder of the year. The total number of
animals treated was 785, of which 44 were in-patients and 741 were out-patients.
Last year there were 614 patients. The Veterinary Assistant was also on tour when
he visited 31 villages and treated 255 animals.

47.  Bogra Veterinary Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant R. N. Das remained
in charge throughout the year. There were 1,180 cases against 1,172 of the previous
year; of the cases treated during the year 137 were equines, 922 bovines, and 121
others against 103 equines, 892 bovines, and 177 others in the previous year. The
Veterinary Assistant is also itinerant and visited 346 villages, treated 592 animals, and
inoculated 381 head of cattle.

48.  Pabna Veterinary Dispensary.—There is no accommodation for in-patients.
The total number of animals treated was 313, of which 43 were equines, 214 bovines,
and 56 others, against 989 in the previous year, No explanation has been given for
the large decrease in the number of cases, but it is partly due to the omission of unseen
cases for which advice and medicine was only given. The Assistant visited 110
villages, treated 623 and inoculated 361 animals. The work of the Veterinary Assist-
ant has not been quite satisfactory and he has not shown sufficient interest in his

49.   Malda Veterinary Hospital.—Veterinary Assistant P. C. Mukherjee held
charge throughout the year. The total number of cases treated was 1,484 against
1,464 of last year. Of these cases 47 are in-patients and 1,437 out-patients. He was
also on tour when he visited 194 villages and treated 2,128 animals. He also attended
14 outbreaks and inoculated 1,840 animals. The Assistant has worked well during
the year.

50.  Silchar Veterinary Hospital.—This is a new dispensary opened during the
year. The buildings are temporary structures and there is a little accommodation
for in-patients. During the year 12 in-patients and 846 out-patients were treated;
of the in-patients 11 were horses. The out-patients were 303 equines, 393 bovines
and 150 others. The Assistant is also engaged in itinerating work. He visited 142
villages, treated 792 animals, and inoculated 1,798 animals.

51.   Shillong Government Dispensary.—Veterinary Assistant P. Mukherjee held
charge throughout the year. The total number of cases treated is 614 against 413
of last year. Of these 170 were equines, 220 bovines, and 224 others. The Assistant
also spent a large part of his time in the inspection of tonga ponies and stables. A sum
of Rs. 197-8 has been realised as dispensary receipts and credited into the treasury
against Rs. 154 in the previous year. The work of the dispensary is progressing and
the Assistant worked satisfactorily during the year.

52.  Dhubri Veterinary Dispensary.—The total number of cases treated was 309
against 413 in the previous year. Veterinary Assistant A. U. Sirkar spent most of his
time on tour, visiting 381 villages, where he treated 2,736 cases and inoculated 537