19. Anthrax.—This disease was reported from 8 districts and caused 2,056 deaths.
In the previous year 1,992 deaths were reported from the same number of districts.
Diagnosis was confirmed by microscopical examination in all the districts except
Nowgong which was not previously reported to this office and consequently no action
could be taken.

20. Other contagious diseases.—Ten thousand seven hundred and eighteen deaths
hare been reported from 8 districts. In the previous year 7,830 deaths were reported
from 10 districts. The details are not available.

21.  Contagious disease amongst other animals.—There were 2,819 deaths reported
from 8 districts against 2,365 deaths reported from the same number of districts in the
previous year.

An outbreak of Anthrax occurred amongst the elephants belonging to Prithim-
passa Wards' Estate (Sylhet). Two elephants died before inocoulation. The disease
was confirmed by microscopical examination. Necessary preventive measures were
taken 18 elephants were inoculated and no further deaths were reported.

                                    PRECENTIVE INOCULATION

22.   Table III shows the results of preventive inoculation in the Province.
During the year inoculation was undertaken in 132 outbreaks of Rinderpest in 16
subdivisions. In these outbreaks 3,785 animals died before inoculation and 13,732
bovines were inoculated. There were 221 deaths reported afterwards amongst the
inoculated animals.

In the previous year inoculation was carried on in 198 outbreaks in 21
subdivisions; in these outbreaks 4,592 animals died before inoculation and 19,953
bovines end 1,030 others were inoculated. There were 315 deaths amongst the
inoculated animals.

There is thus a reduction of 7,201 in the number of inoculations over that of the
previous year. This decrease is apparently due to the smaller number of outbreaks
reported and to the less virulent type of the disease in the majority of the outbreaks.
The number of outbreaks which has been reported has fallen in the last three years
from 235 to 198, then to 132.

The largest numher of inoculation was performed in Tinsukia, Dhubri, Karimganj,
Silchar and Sunamganj. In the previous year Moriani, Mishmi road, 8ibsagar and
Nazira showed the largest number of inoculations.

The most severe outbreak of Rinderpest was reported from Doomdooma in
the district of Lakhimpur in the early part of the year. Staff and Reserve Assistants
were deputed to supplement the district staff.

At the request of the Consul-General for Italy in Calcutta a monthly return
showing the existence of Rinderpest and other contagious diseases in the Province
has been submitted to him.

23.  Anthrax.—During the year 49 outbreaks of suspected Anthrax were reported
Anthrax was definitely diagnosed I by microscopic examination in 52 outbreaks and
inoculation was undertaken in 40 outbreaks inclusive of those places where the
disease was previously diagnosed. In these outbreaks 25 equines, 175 bovines and
2 others died before inoculation ; 452 equines, 4,896 bovines and 450 others were
inoculated of which 14 bovines and 3 others were reported to have died after
inoculation. In the previous year inoculation was carried out in 20 outbreaks and
474, equines, 2,654 bovines and 53 others were inoculated of which 2 horses and 5
bovines were reported to have died subsequently. There is thus a considerable increase
in inoculations against Anthrax.

A monthly return showing the mortality from Anthrax has been submitted
regularly to the American Consul-General, Calcutta.

24.  Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—Twenty specimens were received from suspocted
cases. In 12 outbreaks the disease was confirmed microscopically and inoculation
was undertaken in 7 subdivisions. In these outbreaks 292 bovines died before
inoculation, 1,537 bovines were inoculated of which 9 were reported to have died
subsequently. In the previous year inoculation was undertaken in 18 outbreaks in 9
subdivisions. In these outbreaks 249 bovines and 31 others were reported to have
died before inoculation, and 2,095 bovines and 06 others were inoculated of which
58 bovines and 2 others died subsequently.