17.   Foot-and-mouth disease.—There were 1,886 deaths reported from 10 districts
against 5,603 deaths from 9 districts in the previous year.

18.   Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—During the year 1,926 deaths were reported from
8 districts. In the previous year 5,525 deaths were reported from 9 districts.

19.  Black quarter.—This disease was reported from 4 districts and caused 194
deaths. In the previous year 483 deaths were reported from the same number of
districts. The disease was confirmed microscopically in the district of the Khasi and
Jaintia Hills and vaccination was carried out. No report of other cases was received.

2). Anthrax.—There were 1,190 deaths reported from 10 districts. Disease
was confirmed in all the districts except the Garo Hills, where there was no Veterinary
Assistant during the year. In the previous year 2,748 deaths were reported from 9

21.   Other contagious diseases.—Six thousand and thirty-one deaths were reported
to have occurred during the year from 8 districts against 11,187 deaths reported from
10 districts in the previous year.


22.   Contigious diseaseis amongst other animals.—There were 2,172 deaths
reported from 9 districts against 5,243 deaths from the same number of districts in
the previous year. No information in detail was available regarding these diseases.

                              PREVENTIVE INOCULATION.

23.   Table III shows the result of preventive inoculation in the province. During
the year inoculation against rinderpest was carried out in 125 outbreaks in 15 sub
divisions. In these outbreaks 1,283 animals died before inoculation and 10,817
animals were inoculated. There were 16 deaths reported amongst the inoculated

In the previous year inoculation was carried out in 621 outbreaks in 19 subdivisions.
In these outbreaks 8,956 animals died before inoculation, 38,295 animals were inoculation-
ed, of which 346 died after inoculation. There has been a considerable decrease in
inoculations against rinderpest and this is due to the fact that disease was much less
prevalent in the province during the year under report.

The largest number of inoculations was made in Sibsagar and around Tiisnkia-
In the previous year Mariani, Silchar, Nalbari (Gauhati) and Jorhat showed the
largest inoculations.

A monthly return showing the existence of rinderpest and other contagious
diseases in the province was regularly submitted to the Italian Consul General,

21. Anthrax.— During the year 91 specimens from suspected anthrax cases were
received in the Laboratory for examination. In 57 cases the disease was microscopi-
cally confirmed. Inoculation was carried out in 55 outbreaks. In these outbreaks 9
equines, 387 bovines and 16 others died before inoculation ; 262 equines, 7,153
bovines and 81 others were inoculated, of which 8 bovines and 1 other died sub-

In the previous year inoculation was carried out in 60 outbreaks in which 18
equines, 638 bovines and 4 others died before inoculation ; 462 equines, 4,504 bovines
and 184, others were inoculated, of which 18 died subsequently.

The submission of the monthly return of anthrax to the American Consul General
has been continued during the year.

25. Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia,—Inoculation was carried out in 20 outbreaks
in which 2 equines, 199 bovines and 14 others died before inoculation and 6 equines,
1,820 bovines, 248 others were inoculated, of which 8 bovines died subsequently
Diagnosis was con firmed microscopically in 38 cases. In the previous year inoculation
was undertaken in 17 outbreaks in which 157 bovines and 41 others died before
inoculation, 20 equines, 2,092 bovines and 147 others were inoculated of which 5 died

23. During the year vaccination against black quarter was carried on in 1 out-
break, in which 2 bovines died before inoculation. The disease was microscopically
confirmed and 7 animals were vaccinated, of which one died subsequently.