27.  Anthrax.—During the year 125 specimens of suspected Anthrax were re-
ceived in the Laboratory of which 74 proved Anthrax. Inoculation was undertaken
in 69 outbreaks. In these outbreaks 27 equines, 399 bovines and 24 others were re-
ported to have died before inoculation. Two hundred and ninety-three equines, 6,084
bovines and 148 others were inoculated of which 15 bovines died subsequently.

In the previous year inoculation was undertaken in 55 outbreaks in which nine
equines, 387 bovines and 16 others were reported to have died before inoculation ; two
hundred and sixty-two equines, 7,153 bovines and 81 others were inoculated—there
being nine deaths subsequently.

The submission of monthly returns to the American Consul General, Calcutta,
has been continued.

28.   Hæmorrhagic Septiæmia.—The diagnosis of this disease was confirmed mi-
croscopically in 34 cases. Inoculation was undertaken in 28 outbreaks. In these
outbreaks 251 bovines died before inoculation. One equine and three thousand five
hundred and ninety-six bovines were inoculated of which 13 died subsequently. In
the previous year inoculation was undertaken in 20 outbreaks in which two equines,
199 bovines and 14 others died before inoculation. Six equines, 1,820 bovines and
248 others were inoculated of which eight died subsequently.

29.  Blackquarter.—During the year the diagnosis was confirmed in four cases.
Vaccination was undertaken in one outbreak in which six bovines died before
inoculation. One hundred and five animals were vaccinated and no further deaths
occurred. In the previous year vaccination was undertaken in one outbreak in which
two bovines died before vaccination. Seven animals were vaccinated of which one
died subsequently.

The total number of outbreaks in which inoculation was undertaken during the
year under report was 383 in which 27 equines, 6,117 bovines and 24 others were
reported to have died before inoculation. The total number of animals inoculated
was 32,172 of which 284 animals died subsequently. In the previous year inoculation
was carried out in 2 )1 outbreaks in which 1,912 animals died before inoculation and
20,894 animals were inoculated of which 34 animals subsequently died.

                                ITINERANT ASSISTANTS' WORK.

30.  Table IV shows the work of the forty Itinerant Veterinary Assistants during
the year. They visited 8,144 villages, performed 463 captrations and treated 59,182
animals; of these 12.103 animals were treated for contagious diseases and 46,616
animals for non-contagious diseases. In the previous year 6,639 villages were visited,
12,966 animals were treated for contagious diseases and 40,980 animals were treated
for non-contagious diseases.


31.  Table V shows the working of the hospitals and dispensaries during the year
under report. The total number of animals treated during the year—as both in and
out-patients was 3,239 of which 537 were equines, 1,865 bovines and 837 others; in
the previous year the total was 3,319. The total number of cases supplied with
medicines was 901 against 936 in the previous year.

32.   Gauhati Veterinary Hospital.—During the year 116 in-patients and 1,272
out-patients making a total of 1,388 were treated in the hospital of which 127 were
equines, 879 bovines and 382 others. In the previous year 93 in-patients and 1,102
out-patients were treated making a total of 1,196.

Twenty-eight bullocks were sent to the hospital under the Cruelty to Animals
Act for treatment. A sum of Rs. 312-6-0 was credited to the treasury during the
year as dispensary fees as against Rs. 382-2-6 in the previous year.

33.  Silchar Veterinary Hospital.—During the year 97 equines, 455 bovines and
156 other animals were treated in the hospital as in and out-patients, making a total
of 708 against a total of 722 in the previous year. No case under the Cruelty to
Animals Act was brought to the hospital for treatment during the year.

A sum of Rs, 216-15-0 was credited to the treasury as dispensary fees against
Rs. 276-12-0 in the previous year.

34.   Shillong Veterinary Hospital.—During the year 313 equines, 531 bovines and
291 others were treated as in and out patients making a total of 1,143 against a total
of 1,402 in the previous year. The decrease is due to a change in the Veterinary
Assistant, the former Assistant having been promoted to the staff.