30.    The submission of monthly returns of Anthrax outbreaks to the American
Consul General, Calcutta, have been continued.

31.  Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia. —Diagnosis of this disease was confirmed micros-
copically in 12 cases. Inoculations were undertaken in 18 outbreaks in which 195
bovines died before inoculation, 1,696 bovines were inoculated, of which 4 animals
were reported to have died subsequently.

In the previous year inoculation was performed in 19 outbreaks, in which 1,870
bovines were inoculated of which 12 bovines subsequently died.

32.  Black quarter.—No vaccination was undertaken during the year under report.

33.  The total number of outbreaks in which inoculation was undertaken during
the year was 263 in which 7 equines, 5,439 bovines and 10 others died before
inoculation ; 248 equines, 22,389 bovines and 4 other animals were inoculated of which
247 bovines were reported to have died subsequently.

In the previous year inoculation was performed in 304 outbreaks. In these
outbreaks 19 equines, 5,620 bovines and 22 others died before inoculation; 363 equines,
24,436 bovines and 44 others were inoculated of which 1 equine, 242 bovines were
reported to have died subsequently.

34.  There were 232 cases of suspected poisoning amongst cattle observed by the
Veterinary Assistants ; of these 204 cattle died from poisoning. From Maulvi Bazar
alone 7 4 cases have been reported. In 18 cases in which ingesta was sent to the
Chemical Examiner, arsenic was detected in all. In the previous year 129 deaths
were suspected to be due to poisoning. These cases were reported to the local
authorities by the Veterinary Assistants but the guilty persons could not be traced.
Poisoning of cattle takes a more serious aspect if it occurs during or soon after the
inoculation of cattle against rinderpest, as it may jeopardise the value of serum
inoculation in the eyes of cattle owners

                         ITINERANT ASSISTANTS WORK.

35.  Table IV shows the work of the Itinerant Veterinary Assistants during the
year. They visited 8,551 villages, performed 930 castrations and treated 18,265 for
contagious diseases and 48,664 for non-contagious diseases. In the previous year 8,373
villages were visited, 616 animals castrated, 12,309 animals treated for contagious
diseases and 50,411 animals treated for non-contagious diseases. During the year
there is an increase of 178 villages visited, 2S4 animals castrated and 5,956 animals
treated for contagious diseases, and a decrease of 1,747 animals treated for
non-contagious diseases. The itinerating work of 11 dispensaries was temporarily
suspended as the Assistants in charge were granted leave and no Reserve was available
to fill the vacancies. The Veterinary Inspectors were not able to inspect the work of
the Itinerant Veterinary Assistants as regularly and as often as is found necessary owing
to the lack of funds.

36.  The Dhubri Local Board have engaged a Veterinary Assistant for service on
the South Bank. He joined on the 9th September 1924. For the greater part of the
time he has been kept in Dhubri where there is already one Assistant. The supply of
Medicines, Instruments, Book, etc., to him has been delayed with the result that much
of his time has been waseda nd his services have not been utilised to the best advantage.


37.  Table V shows the working of the Government Veterinary Hospitals during
the year under report. There were 3 hospitals at work as in last year. The total
number of animals treated during the year as both in and out-patients in the above
hospitals was 4,163 against 4,145 in the previous year. The total number of cases
supplied with medicines was 1,048 against 1,229 in last year. The distribution of
medicines without the cases being seen is not encouraged.

38.   Gauhati Veterinary Hospital.— During the year 104 in-patients and 1,512
out-patients making a total of 1,616 were treated. In the previous year 135 in-
patients and 1,572 out-patients were treated. Out of the 98 castrations performed
in the hospital 92 were performed by the Burdizzio castrator.

Under the Cruelty to Animals Act 36 cruelty cases and 5 maiming cases were
sent to the hospital by the Police and others for treatment against 39 in the previous