(2)   Babu Srish Chandra Ghosh, Veterinary Inspector, Silchar Circle, was on
tour for 115 days and visited 79 villages and Tea Estates in connection with inspec-
tion work and investigation of epidemics. He travelled 1,428 miles by road, 168
miles by steamer and 1,357 miles by road and country boat. The following Hospital
and Dispensaries were inspected by him :—

Veterinary Hospital at Silchar, Veterinary Dispensaries at Silchar, Sonai, Karim-
ganj, Kulaura, Maulvi Bazar, Habiganj each twice and Hailakandi, Patharkandi,
Sylhet I and IT, Sunamganj, Jagannathpur once each. The work of the Staff and
Reserve Veterinary Assistants placed at Silchar was also inspected by him. He also
supervised the work of the Veterinary Hospital opened at Silchar during the Auxiliary
Force Camp of Exercise. Ho was a member of the Judge's Committee presided over
by the Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet, during the second session of the Co-operative
Conference and Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition and cattle show held at
Maulvi Bazar during the year. He examined 135 specimens microscopically and
his timely detection of a surra epidemic which broke out in the Sadar subdivision
of Cachar district put a check to further spread of the infection beyond the sub-

(3)   Babu Hem Chandra Sen, officiated as Veterinary Inspector, Gauhati Circle,
from 1st April to 13th August 1924. During this period he was on tour for 33 days
and visited 40 villages. He travelled 698 miles by rail and 367 miles by road. He
inspected the dispensaries at Gauhati, Nalbari, Patacharkuchi, Barpeta, Bilashipara
and Tangla once each. He attended outbreaks of rinderpest amongst cattle in the
districts of Kamrup and Goalpara. He also helped in detecting outbreaks of Epizootic
Lymphangitis in Gauhati town and in tracing out the source of infection.

(4)   Babu Guru Prasanna Sen, Veterinary Inspector, Gauhati Circle, returned
to duty on the 14th August 1924 after availing of leave for 7 months and 25 days.
During his incumbency he was on tour for 97 days and travelled by rail 794 miles,
by steamer 544 miles and by road and boat 656 miles. He visited 41 villages in
connection with the enquiries of the Assistants' work.

He inspected the following dispensaries :—

Gauhati, Dhubri, Missa, Nowgong and Goalpara twice, Tangla, Tezpur, Mangal-
dai, Abhoyapuri, Barpeta and Patacharkuchi once. He supervised the hospital
work at Gauhati while he remained at Gauhati. He attended the Agricultural
Exhibition held at Nalbari in March 1925, where he arranged for demonstrations and
lectures on common diseases amongst cattle and their prevention.

45.  The tours of the Veterinary Inspectors have been restricted owing to the
financial stringency during the year.

46.  The number of reserve Veterinary Assistants was 8. Two were employed
in charge of the Government Veterinary Hospitals at Gauhati and Silchar. The
others were employed in leave vacancies and on deputation to supplement the local

47.  The names of the following Veterinary Assistants are noted for good and
steady work :—

(1)  Babu Hem Chandra Sen, Staff Veterinary Assistant, Gauhati.

(2)   Babu Bhudbar Chandra Chatterjee, Staff Veterinary Assistant, Silchar.

(3)  Babu Surendra Mohan Sen Gupta, Veterinary Assistant, Shillong.

(4)   Maulvi Azizuddin Sarkar, Veterinary Assistant, Tezpur.

(5)  Babu Narendra Nath Bose, Veterinary Assistant, Nalbari.

(6)   Maulvi Dewan Faizuddin Ahmed, Veterinary Assistant, Gauhati.

(7)   Maulvi Fariduddin Ahmed, Veterinary Assistant, Tinsukia.

(8)   Babu Manmatha Nath Ghosh, Veterinary Assistant, Nazira.

(9)  Srijut Surjya Lal Das, Veterinary Assistant, North Lakhimpur.
(10) Srijut Madhab Chandra Das, Veterinary Assistant, Barpeta.


48. Table XIV(a) shows the expenditure of the Department as furnished by the
Comptroller, Assam, to be Rs. 1,39,072-0-5. The expenditure of the Department in
the previous year was Rs. 1,43,707-13-6.