Orders by the Governor and the Minister of Education.

         Resolution on the Veterinary Report for the year 1924-25.

Extract from the Proceedings of the Government of Assam in the General and
    Judicial Department, No.
5429 G.J., dated the 25th August 1925.


    The Report of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Assam, for the year 1924-25.


    THE work of the Department proceeded on the usual lines. There was a
decline in the mortality among equines and other animals from contagious diseases,
but an increase in that of bovines from 20,939 in the previous year to 23,940 in the
year under review. Rinderpest, Foot-and-mouth disease and Hæmorrhagic Sep-
ticæmia share the increase, while there was a decrease in the number of deaths from
Anthrax and other contagious diseases. In the case of the Goalpara district,
rinderpest is said to have been introduced by herds of up-country bullocks in transit
towards Upper Assam. The Superintendent has suggested in paragraph 25 of his
Report that the absence of legislation and effective means of control over the move-
ment of diseased cattle renders it impossible to stop the spread of infection. Legisla-
tion under present conditions would be unpopular, but an increase in the district
staff, one of whose primary duties is inoculation, would doubtless improve matters to
some extent.

    The Subordinate staff consists of three Inspectors and fifty Assistants. From the
reports received it appears that a majority of Local Boards are unwilling or unable
to bear their share of the cost of a second Veterinary Assistant, and the resources of
the Government are far from being unlimited.

    The Governor and his Minister are glad to be assured that the general progress
of former years was well maintained and that education is slowly but surely spreading.
They learn with satisfaction that efforts will continue to be made to stimulate interest
in the work of the Department by the opening of Veterinary stalls and the giving of
lectures and demonstrations at Agricultural and other shows.

    The thanks of the Governor are due to Mr. Harris, who held charge throughout the
year, for his capable administration of the Department.

    ORDERED that a copy of the Resolution be published in the Assam Gazette.

                                                      By order of the Government of Assam,
                                                                  G. T. LLOYD,

                             Offg, Second Secretary to the Government of Assam.

A. S. P. O. (J. & G.) No. 26—625—25-8-1925—A. E. R.