6.   At Headquarters frequent visits were paid to the Bihar Veterinary
College and the Government Cattle Farm in connection with the manufac-
ture of Goat Tissue Virus at the Laboratory, certain additions to the
hostel buildings, improvement of the existing water-supply arrangements,
replacement of Dairy machineries, transfer of Farm lands to the Patna
Aerodrome and the Hindusthan Bike Manufacturing Company, Limited,
and outbreaks among the livestock. Discussions on the activities of the
Department were held with Dr. Davies, Director of Dairy Research and
Mr. Ware, Animal Husbandry Commissioner with the Government of
India, who visited this province. I continued to act as a member of the
Bihar Agricultural Research Committee and presided at the Conference
of the Gazetted Officers of the Department.

                           NORTH BIHAR RANGE.

7.   Babu P. C. Bhattacharji held charge of the Range for the first
14 days of the year when Mr. Gurbachan Singh relieved him and remained
in charge until transferred to Patna from the 6th November 1940
Mr. S. K. Sen remained in charge for the remaining period of the year.

8.   Mr. Gurbachan Singh was on tour for 91 days and travelled
2,632 miles by road in addition to Railway journeys ; inspected 12 hospi-
tals, 22 dispensaries and 21 rural field dispensaries ; attended the Sita-
marhi Cattle Fair and acted as one of the Judges of the Cattle Show.
He visited the Chapra Goshala, Sepaya Farm, Bettiab Raj herd and
Darbhanga and Hathwa Raj stables and submitted a comprehensive report
advocating certain improvements in the management of the last named
institution Lectures on cattle diseases were delivered by him in three
villages under Sitamarhi Police Station. He acted as a member of the
Bihar Veterinary Examination Board.

9.   Mr. S. K. Sen was on tour for 65 days and besides the Railway
journeys travelled 1,117 miles by road He inspected 3 hospitals,
13 dispensaries, 16 rural field dispensaries and the factory bullocks of
Keota concern. He supervised the Veterinary arrangements at the
Sonepur Fair and the work of the hospital opened there and also acted as
one of the Judges of the Cattle Show held under the auspices of the
Agriculture Department. The Khagra, Hardi and Singheswar Asthan
Cattle Fairs were also attended and the Veterinary Exhibition held at
the last named fair was supervised by him.

10.   At Headquarters both Mr. Gurbachan Singh and Mr. S. K. Sen
visited the Sadr Veterinary Hospital, Muzaffarpur, and supervised the
work conducted at the Experimental Station.

                                CENTRAL RANGE.

11.   Mr. S. K. Sen continued to hold charge of the Range till the
8th July 1940, when he proceeded on three months' leave on relief by
Assistant Director Babu P. C. Bhattacharji, who remained in charge up
to the 29th October 1940, when Mr. Gurbachan Singh took over charge
of the Range from the latter officer.