36.   Experimental treatment.—Bayer's Prontosil solution gave good
results in Pyaemic affection in a horse.

Rabies.—Eight cases of   suspected rabies were under observation.
Four of them died and on   histological examination proved positive for
rabies. Anti-rabic injections   were given to 4 dogs with satisfactory

37.   Mounted Military Poiioe.—13 Mounted Military Police ponies
were treated during the year.

38.   Shoeing Forge.—276 animals including 214 horses were shod
during the year as against 250 of the previous year; of these 62 bullocks
belonged to the Government Cattle Farm, Patna. The total amount
realised on account of shoeing charges was Rs 182-3-0 against Rs. 101
in the previous year.

The posts of blacksmith and the bellowsman continued to be held
in abeyance.

39.   Riding Class.—The students received training in equitation.
16 outsiders joined the class on payment of the fee of Rs. 10. The
receipts on account of riding fees amounted to Rs. 270 as against Rs. 200
in last year.

One pony was purchased from Mr. W. D. Murray Smith, an
Australian horse importer of Calcutta and another was received as a gift
from Mr. V. E. Davies, District Magistrate, Shahabad. One of the
ponies having a peculiar stumbling gait could not be put to regular work—
others maintained good condition throughout the year.

Horse Race.—The new pony " Mae West " entered in the open
handicap race in aid of war fund and secured the 1st prize (a cup and
cash of Rs. 40.)

40.   Breeding Bull.—The number of cows served by the stud bull at
the College Hospital was 60 as against 18 of the previous year.

41.   Ambulance.—The stud bull was used for drawing the ambulance.

42.   Anthrax outbreak.—Three horses of the Mounted Military Police
Patna, suffering from Anthrax wore admitted in the College Hospital
one of these died, another was destroyed and the 3rd discharged
as recovered. Seventeen Mounted Military Police horses, 6 college
riding ponies, one stud bull and one bullock were protected against

                              RESEARCH LABORATORY.

43.   Rinderpest vaccination.—258 head of cattle of the Government
cattle farm were vaccinated with Goat Tissue Virus during the year.
Two goats were used as controls. Procedure was the same as followed
in previous years. There was no mishap amongst the inocculated animals.
Both controls showed good reaction.