73.  Disease and disease protection.—As noted above 37 casualties
occurred which were due to the following diseases :—

Johne's disease, Black quarter, Food and mouth disease, Pneumonia,
Rinderpest, Perirenal Hæmorrhage, Cerebral-Hæmorrhage, Naval ill,
Coccidiosis, Traumatic Pericarditis Encephalitis and Hæmorrhagic septi-

Black-quarter appeared among the young stock only on the last day
of March 1940, while Hæmorrhagic septicæmia appeared in the
month of January 1941, and was confined to young calves only, but the
outbreak was of a serious type. Stringent precautionary measures were
adopted and the whole herd was protected against the disease.

Sporadic cases of foot and mouth disease and one case of Rinderpest
occurred amongst the young calves.

All the Farm cattle were protected against Hæmorrhagic septicæmia
in June 1940, and January 1941; against Black quarter in June 1940
and against Anthrax in February' 1941. The operations were carried out
under the direction of the Veterinary Inspector, Patna circle.

258 animals were vaccinated against Rinderpest by the Staff of the
Bihar Veterinary College. Sporadic cases of abortion occurred at the
farm. Mr. Rahul Amin, an assistant from the Imperial Veterinary
Research Institute, Muktesar, visited the farm and tested 41 animals, out
of which 12 proved positive and 4 suspect to Bovine contagious abortion.
All the positive animals have been segregated. The suspected cases
proved negative on a re-test.

For the major part of the year construction work in connection with
the extension of camp jail was going on which resulted in great increase
in the traffic of all description passing through the Farm. It would
appear that the high incidence of disease at the farm is related to this
traffic. From the point of view of disease control it appears very necessary
that Camp Jail be provided with a road unconnected with the farm.

74.  Disposal Of surplus stock-—12 cows, 54 heifers, 68 castrated
bull calves, 9 bulls and 1 bullock were sold and the sale proceeds, viz.,
Rs. 4,536-13-0 were credited to Government.

75.   Milk and milk products.—The total milk yield during the year
was 379,870 lbs. or an average of 11 lbs. per cow per day against
3,44,8283/4 lbs. during the last year, an increase of 35,0413/4 lbs.

The average number of cows in milk per day was 92.

The average milk yield of the country-bred cows works out at about
8.8 lbs. per head per day while that of Tharparkar cows at 11.2 lbs.

76.   Manufacture of butter.—13 lbs. 7 ozs. of butter was brought
over on the 1st April 1940; 6,898 lbs. of buffalo milk and 2,125 lbs. 8 ozs.
of cream were purchased from outside for the manufacture of butter. The