FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st MARCH 1910.                              11

quietly sends off the diseased animal or animals, failing which, the contacts, to
the next village. The fact only becomes known when disease breaks out there.
Karens are stated to be the worst offenders in this respect.

In Pyapôn and Henzada Districts headmen and villagers were extremely
dilatory in reporting outbreaks of disease.

I would again call attention to the desirability of setting aside suitable sites
in the vicinity of large villages or groups of smaller ones for permanent Segrega-
tion Camps. In one subdivision I know of, camps have been more or less selected
and temporary sheds erected thereon. The Deputy Commissioner considers that
by these means the amount of disease and also the mortality therefrom have been
decreased, and I am very much disposed to agree with him.

21.  Registration of Cattle Deaths.—As far as can be ascertained, reasonable
care has been exercised.

22.  Messrs. Rennie, Cameron and Batlivala have afforded me every assis-
tance and have discharged their duties with zeal and ability. Mr. Rennie, owing
to frequent and severe attacks of fever, was obliged to proceed to England on well-
earned leave. Mr. Cameron on similar grounds had to take three months' leave.

Senior Veterinary Assistant Bhagwan Singh has also suffered a great deal
from fever during the year, but has carried out his work with willingness.

Finally, I must express my sincere thanks to all District Officers who by their
cordial co-operation have considerably lightened the task of the Department in
the districts, especially to Messrs. Hertz and Walter Scott, in whose district the
most severe epidemic of the year occurred, and without whose assistance and
intimate knowledge of the heterogeneous population of the Myitkyina District
little could have been accomplished.

RANGOON, 16th May 1910.                           G. H. EVANS, Lieut-Col., I.C.V.D.,

                                                                Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Dept., Burma.