FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE 31ST MARCH 1932.           5

Pegu Dispensary.—This dispensary was closed on the 31st May
1931 as satisfactory results were not being obtained. The total
number of cases treated from the beginning of the year up to the date
on which it was closed down, was 363.

Myingyan Dispensary.—The total number of cases treated during
the year, including in-patients and excluding 450 cases for which
medicine was only supplied is 2,461 against 2,589 of last year. The
majority of these cases were from the Municipal area.

One castration was performed at this dispensary during the year.

Pakôkku Dispensary.—One thousand four hundred and sixty-four
cases were attended to at this dispensary during the year. These
include 12 in-patients, but exclude the cases which were not brought
to the dispensary for which medicine was supplied.

There was an increase of 174 cases during the year as compared
with the cases treated during the previous year.

The Myingyan and Pakôkku Dispensaries are doing fairly useful
work but the number of animals coming in for treatment do not give
full time employment to the dispensary Assistant and it is proposed to
open the dispensaries one or two days weekly in future and place the
Assistant on part-time township duties. The range of usefulness of
these dispensaries is largely limited to the urban areas.

                                IN ANIMALS.

    Occurrence, Methods of Spread and Control Measures.


Rinderpest was present in Thatôn, Pegu, Toungoo, Hanthawaddy
and Amherst Districts, of which Pegu accounted for the highest mor-
tality, viz., 791 in 92 villages. The total mortality was 1,678.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease.—This disease occurred in Thatôn,
Amherst, Toungoo, Pegu, Hanthawaddy and Salween Districts. Three
thous and eight hundred and sixteen cases were treated by the staff.

Anthrax.—Sporadic cases of this disease occurred in all the districts
of the circle with the exception of Pegu, Mergui and Salween Districts.
The total mortality was 131, of which Thatôn alone accounted for 87

Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia was responsible for 608 deaths, the most
severe outbreak being in the Mergui District, which accounted for 285