Anthrax.—One thousand four hundred and ninety-seven bovines,
279 equines and 306 elephants were inoculated with anthrax spore
vaccine with very successful results.

Elephant inoculation by Private Owners.—During the year under
review 2,297 elephants were inoculated by the timber firms and contrac-
tors. These inoculations were carried out by the Firms' Assistants.

The results of these anti-anthrax inoculations are considered to be
very satisfactory as the inoculations produced efficient protection with
very few local or general reactions.


(a) The Veterinary College, Insein.—Mr. G. Pfaff, B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S.,
was in additional charge of the College throughout the year, except for
the period from 1st May 1932 to 11th June 1932, when he proceeded to
Mandalay to attend a course of Instruction in Departmental subjects.
During this period Mr. J. Smith, B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., Field Veterinary
Research Officer held charge of the duties of the Principal of the

U San Hla, Assistant Principal was attached to the Veterinary
College throughout the year and was assisted by one Veterinary
Inspector and two Veterinary Assistants.

(b)  Refresher Course.—No course was held during the year under
report, as all Veterinary Assistants have now completed this course.
When conditions permit, Veterinary Inspectors will be called up in
batches for a course of instruction.

(c)   Veterinary Education.—No action has yet been taken on the
proposals before Government for the training of future recruits to the
Class II and III Services at the Veterinary College, Insein. In view of
the financial position it is doubtful whether the staffing and opening of
the College will be possible for some years to come.

In the meantime it will be essential to make provision to fill vacan-
cies which arise in the existing depleted staff through retirement, etc.,
and if funds are not available for training recruits in Burma, proposals
for having this done at one of the Indian Veterinary Schools will be
submitted to Government during the coming year.

(d) Veterinary Instruction in the Districts.—Lectures were delivered
on different veterinary subjects by the subcrdinate staff in the course of
their ordinary and special tours. This propaganda is reported to have
had a beneficial effect on the cattle owners and is being continued by
all members of the veterinary staff while on tour.

Leaflets and Bulletins.—Under previous orders of Government the
following leaflets were printed and issued by this Department during
the earlier part of the year under report :—

(1) Leaflet No. 5.—Cow Pox (variola vaccines). (In English
and Burmese).