FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE 31ST MARCH 1935.                5

districts was approximately 88 per cent of the total. The total
mortality in 1934-35 was 21,564 as against 16,517 for the previous

The methods adopted to control the outbreaks were mainly those
laid down in the " Cattle Disease Rules, 1914," but, as these were not
always successful, it was found necessary in many instances to organize
protective inoculation measures with the aid of anti-rinderpest serum.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease.—This disease was reported from almost all
the districts of the province but deaths were recorded from only four
districts. Total mortality recorded from this disease was 23 as against
238 for the previous year.

Anthrax.—This disease was reported from 26 districts and the total
mortality recorded was 1,009 as against 1,438 for the previous year.

Inoculations with anthrax vaccine were carried out to control the
disease where this was possible.

Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—The recorded mortality from this disease
during the year was 1,478 as against 2,377 for the previous year.
Akyab (327), Toungoo (172), Salween (158) and Bassein (129) were the
districts which showed the heaviest mortality from hæmorrhagic

Preventive inoculations with hæmonrhagic septicæmia vaccine,
produced at the Insein Laboratory, were carried out where possible.

Black-quarter.—The total mortality recorded from this disease was
242 as against 241 for the previous year. The heaviest mortality was
recorded from the following districts :—Lower Chindwin (33),
Thayetmyo (33), Maubin (28), Tharrawaddy (26) and Sandoway (25).
No inoculations against this disease were carried out

Surra.—Eight districts only were affected with Surra, namely, Katha
(35), Bhamo (8), Yamèthin (7), Minbu (5), Upper Chindwin (3),
Pakôkku (3), Pegu (1) and Kyatiksè (3). A total of 65 deaths were
recorded, out of which 62 were equines and three bovines.

Parasitic Diseases (Lebetna).—The total mortality from this disease
was 45 as against 179 for the previous year. Deaths were limited to
the districts of Salween and Tavoy.

Glanders.—Only one report of glanders was received from the
Minbu District. The Mallein test was carried out on the affected
animal with positive results and the animal was destroyed. No
in-contacts could be traced.


No cases were reported during the year.


Epizootic Lymphangitis.

                                PREVENTIVE INOCULATION.

Rinderpest.—Inoculation parties were arranged to control the spread
of this disease, where other methods were not successful. Seventy-two
thousand five hundred and thirty-three bovines as against 103,437 for