FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE 31ST MARCH 1939.                      17

inoculation. Such would be quite impracticable here. The vaccine
used there protects for about six months, giving an immunity of no
longer duration than that which results from a natural attack of the
disease in Burma. Nevertheless it is intended to pursue the approved
policy of manufacturing a vaccine so soon as facilities are available.

So far as Anthrax, Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia and Blackquarter are
concerned, it has been possible for many years to obtain vaccines to
protect against these, but outbreaks are usually of such a sporadic nature
and the diagnosis is so often in doubt, that widespread inoculation
would hardly have justified the expenditure involved, even if the staff
had been sufficiently large to allow of such activities in addition to the
more important work of rinderpest control.

Glanders eradication received further attention, the Mandalay
Municipality being invited to express its views on some draft Rules
intended to facilitate the application of the " Glanders and Farcy Rules,
1936. " It is hoped that it will be possible to take some definite action,
in the way of introducing periodic mallein testing of gharry ponies,
during the coming year, first in Mandalay and later on in other

It is a matter for congratulation that the sanctioned cadre of
Veterinary Inspectors and Veterinary Assistants has been increased
during the year, thus continuing the steady policy of enlargement which
has been a feature of the Department since its inception over 50 years
ago, except for the lean years of retrenchment. It may be expected
that a still larger cadre will be required at some later date, if the
research work being done is to bear fruit in the shape of practical result
in the field and not to remain of academic interest only. At the same
time due attention will be paid to possible economies, in so far as these
do not interfere with the performing of essential work.

Thanks are due to the District Officers for their assistance to the
staff of the Department, particulary in helping to get the consent of
cattle owners to prophylactic inoculation, and in endeavouring to
popularize it

The departmental staff has worked well, with very few exceptions.
Particularly good work has been done by Mr. G. Pfaff, Veterinary
Research Officer, to whom the Department is indebted for the very
successful Rinderpest vaccine now in almost daily use. He has worked
at high pressure during the absence of his other Class I officers on
leave, and deserves the highest praise.

He was very ably assisted by U Tun Aung, Assistant Principal.
The cost of the Department during 1938-39 was Rs. 5,65,040.

                                                                              S. R. RIPPON,

                                                        Offg. Director of Veterinary Services,
Dated 25th July 1939.